New FTB Modded Minecraft server Beyond

After killing several Chaos Guardians/Dragons I've come across quite a few End Cities on my journies to the Chaos Islands. I've raided these (it's like a compulsion lol) and I've dumped all the loot in the little spawn shack. There's an elevator that takes you down into the room that's filled with chests. Help yourselves. /spawn will take you there!
Enjoy - Ham :)
Don't forget to grab loot from spawn :p

If you want ""unlimited"" single item storage, then Quantum Storage Units work very well with RS but YABBA barrels work the same, but are much, much cheaper to craft! They don't look as futuristic, and don't work in my storage theme, but they are very inexpensive to make - worth a consideration.

I was on hols last week and forgot to turn my secondary Woot Wither Farm off - I don't think I'm going to be short of Nether Stars any time soon lol. Yes - that is 6.5 million Nether Stars!!

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I've repurposed my old End XP farm to a manual one that anybody is welcome to use. There is a DE Dislocater in the spawn shack that will take you there. There is food, enchanting stuff, an anvil, a good sword (please be sure to replace the sword once you're done with it) - everything you need to enchant and repair gear. It's fast enough. 0-30 lvls in about 50 seconds. The drops from the endermen are placed into YABBA barrels for you to take or leave, and there is also a trash chest as well. Enjoy!


@coltus there is something wrong with your place in the Mining Dimension. It looks like your RS system has run out of space, and is stuck in a loop. It tanks the server when it's loaded up, so something's wrong somewhere. Probably the cause of those huge lag spikes last night?
I do have a backup from 19:30 yesterday and can, if needed, replace just the chunks in that area? Let me know if you sort it or need me to :)
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I think rolling back the chunk would be best, if that doesn't work try and edit out the storage. There's nothing i can't replace.

So to everyone else in the mining dimension (Aroma1997s Dimensional World mod)

Don't go anywhere near it because if that chunk loads up you will be trapped there and everytime you connect you will lag out and be disconnected.

I might try a few things but will wait till much later when nobody is on. :)
Okies - I've managed to get in and sort it! Took all 8 discs out the drive, so they are still ok. Took out the RS Controller and replaced it, took out the RS Grid and have that. Your YABBA barrels are still there. All your gear is in a chest at your Mining World place!

Your RS system ran out of storage space and created an infinite loop - RS is a bugger on the server, especially when autocrafting large quantities of stuff! I've noticed it when crafting up Draconic Solar stuff before.

Note to all - make sure you have enough storage space!! But yeah, basically Monty - you owe me big time! You've lost a couple RS AutoCrafters and their patterns - I can replace the crafters, or you can replace them yourself, but can't remember the patterns - soz :p

Side note - Crazy_Monty/Coltus can also add players to the white-list, restart the server, do admin type stuff and generally mess with you (and ******** up the server it would seem :p jks jks ^_^), so be nice to him - white-list requests can be done here or in the Discord channel!

Have fun - Ham
Just a head's up - the Spawn Eggs from Pam's Kitchen Market do not work - if you want eggs I'm happy to give them to you in exchange for the correct amount of emeralds!
Okies - so you want to kill a Chaos Guardian? Here's how I do it, and what gear I have:

Fully upgraded DE Draconic Armour
Fully upgraded DE Draconic Bow
Fully upgraded DE Flux Capacitor x 4
A charging system to charge the DE Flux Capacitors (more on that later)
An IC2 Industrial Laser set to Explosion mode (hold M and right click to change modes)
An IC2 Charging Lapotron Crystal, fully charged
Food, obvs
I also have Advanced Rings from ActuallyAdditions as these are so cheap to make

Here's a pic of my gear:


So - when you get to a Chaos Island (these are at x10,000 z10,000 and multiples of 10,000 each - I am currently at x10,000 z 80,000 and working steadily south. The further out you get, the more health the lizard will have btw - summat to bear in mind), there are 3 rings - one of something like a Saturn ring of EndStone, then a ring of Obsidian pillars, each topped with an EnderCrystal, encased in iron bars, that will heal the Chaos Dragon, then an inner ring of obby topped with crystals without a cage (also will heal the Dragon) - see the outer ring here:


KK - gear up - put flight modifiers to max on the DE armour - my bow settings are: ArrowofDraconicFire: Off ArrowBaseDamage:9 Autofire: 0n Magnification:0 ShockwavePower:0 ArrowVelocityModifier:500 ExplosionPower:0 I keep one arrow in my inv as I have also enchanted my DE bow with Infinity (and soulbound fwiw - all my end gear has this enchant - do it!!). Right - use the laser and go in a big circle blasting the cages around the EndCrystals. Evade lizard attacks! Switch to DE Bow and go back around - shooting the now exposed crystals. Evade lizard-boy once again. Head to the inner ring of obby pillars and shoot the exposed crystals - evade li,....yeah you know by now! Once all the crystals are toast, to ham on that scaly beast! Be aware the dragon has several attacks - one of which can tp you away (so make sure you've set a some on your DE Advanced Dislocator first ;) ) and the other which can repair the crystals. If you see the lizard regenning, you've either missed one, or the crystal has been repaired. Shoot the ever-living crap out of that lizard!!! Rely on your speed - you are a fair bit faster then the Guardian!

Ight - so the lizard is now dead - head to the middle of the island, where the lightning strikes are (don't try to use a lightning rod from EnvTech to harvest this - it won't work :/). Dig down - underneath will be a chamber with 250 levels of xp in, plus 5 Chaos Shards - mine the shards, then get the hell out! The Chaos Island is now going BYEBYE!! After a huge explosion that destroys pretty much everything to the outer ring of EndStone, that's it! Well done - you've slotted your first Chaos Lizard! Go home, take off that stinky armour and have a well earned rest!

My charging system is an EnderIO EnderPouch connected to an EnderIO EnderChest. There is an EnderIO Item Conduit going to a DE EnergyInfuser. There are a couple filters in the ItemConduits. Both are set to In/Out with a ChargeableItemFilter on the Extract part set to <100% on the chest. The EnergyInfuser has the same filter on the extract, except set to =100%. This means DE Capacitors not at 100% charged that are placed into the bag will be extracted to the DE charger, then put back in when at 100% charge. Put this setup in a chunk-loaded chunk and you can recharge your DE Capacitors anywhere in the universe! Pic below:


Okies - that's how I do it - maybe post your settings/setups on how you kill the Chaos Lizard! I'm down to about 3 mins from start to finish to do a Chaos Island now. As long as your armour has power, and you HAVE power, it *should* protect you from critical damage, but if you see that warning appear in!!

Have fun - Ham :)
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So, the server is running into some issues - namely extreme tick skipping after the server has been running for about three hours that then causes a GC overload crash. There are currently no loaded chunks other than the spawn chunks. There are no bases within these chunks, just a few chests and a couple of DE Dislocators. There are no machines or storage systems within the spawn chunks either. Here is the latest crash report. The issues starter a few days ago - no changes were made, no players had been on when it started.

I have tried renaming the world, as this has cured the skipped ticks in the past (the skipped ticks never caused crashes though), but this has not cured it. Any ideas? I'm loathe to spend too much time trying to find the issue, as server footfall has dropped off dramatically, and for the amount I play this pack, I'm wondering if it's time to maybe call it a day.

If it is the case, I would repurpose the server as a vanilla 1.13 server, with a few plugins for claims etc, and would make sure the world is available to download.

Let me know your thoughts - cheers. Ham
That sucks :( I’ve been distracted recently playing some 1.13 vanilla but mostly preparing for and then playing Foresaken.

It would be a shame to loose the server as I still have a lot of stuff do on my base. However if the server is running in to problems then these things do need to be done.
As a work around to the skipping ticks that lead to the inevitable crash, I've changed the restart schedule from once every 6 hours top once every 3 hours. This should stop the crashes until such time as I can track down the issue.

The restart time for the server is about 5 and a half minutes.

If any of you fancy looking into the crash report, feel free!

Catch you soon - Ham :)
only the one Dimension is loaded right? its not a problem from another dimension people with world anchors or some other sort//
crash report doesnt mean much to me affraid. does it do it on an exported work.
only the one Dimension is loaded right? its not a problem from another dimension people with world anchors or some other sort//
crash report doesnt mean much to me affraid. does it do it on an exported work.

Hiya - I missed this reply, sorry!

It looks like Forestry was the culprit. It spread a whole load of greenhouse machine blocks all around at spawn, stupid thing! I've removed these, but haven't increased the time between restarts just yet, as everything is working well. (touches wood). I also removed some chunk-loaded chunks (but not the claims obv) to see if that was causing any issues.

Cheers - Ham
Modded – what’s it all about?

There are a lot of mods for Minecraft out there. There are magical based ones, technical based ones, animal/crop/farm based ones to name a few. You can add and choose your own, but an easier way is to play a “pack” where the pack designer has chosen mods that work well/complement each other. The pack the server is running is one called Beyond. It uses the 1.10.2 base version of Minecraft and adds the mods to it.

Beyond is a “kitchen sink” type pack – ie, it has a little bit of everything and doesn’t force you to go down a certain mod route/gameplay style, you can choose how you play.

What is the goal of the pack? Depends on what you like. To some extent, it’s the same as vanilla – gather resources and build cool stuff. The advantage of modded is that it has machines that will gather resources for you, and it is possible to almost play in creative mode, but in survival!!! The machines do need power, and in this pack the power is primarily RF, or Redstone Flux.

If you want to see what blocks/options a specific mod has, type @modname in the search bar, so to look at RefinedStorage stuff, type in @refinedstorage and it will list only stuff from that specific mod. Left clicking the item will show you the crafting recipe/how it's obtained, whilst right clicking will show you what recipes that block is used in.

I like machines/technical stuff. Alchemy and magic stuff doesn’t interest me. So my preferred route is getting some basic gear together (there’s free loot at spawn btw), working on getting some early game power and digital storage sorted. For me, storage is Refined Storage. There is also Applied Energistics 2 which is another digital storage type, but I’ve not tried it. There are Drawers and Barrels and other storage options as well. Early power, there are generators from Extra Utilities and Thermal Expansion to name a couple, plus there are 4 or 5 different solar panel options – Solar Flux Reborn, Environmental Tech, IC2…..You can even make power using foods (via a Culinary Generator).Power storage – loads of options, from small batteries to the colossal Draconic Evolution Energy Core. There are machines that will physically mine blocks for you (there are a couple of dedicated mining “worlds” - Aroma1997 and TheDeepDark, plus you can make infinite worlds with RFTools, including worlds where all the blocks are, for example, diamond blocks! You will need a LOT of power to keep those types of world powered up though!), and there’s at least two mods that mine from the Void, meaning no blocks are physically removed from the world – Environmental Tech and Quantum Quarries both do that. EnvironTech is my preference. There are machines/devices that will double, or even triple ore outputs, so 1 gold ore can yield upto 3 gold ingots.

As some LinkTart players may remember, I like to have plenty of gear in stock and generally be op as heck! It’s no different today lol.

So – watch videos and tutorials to learn how the mods work. Feel free to look around my build for ideas, located -179 65. The machines etc are all downstairs, through the door marked Top Secret. Use the buttons on the screen to call the lift. There are various other builds to look at – I can put up some locations if you want. Like I said, my route is:

Tinkers Construct slime boots and a slime sling for early, fast travel
Tinkers Construct smeltery will double all ores that go in. Make decent Tinkers Tools
Make a Hang Glider – there is at least one in the pack.
Get into Refined Storage ←--- this mod will also let you autocraft stuff in bulk
Get into EnderIO for machines and early capacitor banks and power cables
Make basic power generators
Make basic EnderIO mob spawning machines and killing chambers
Make Reliquary charms and but them on a belt so mobs ignore you!
Get into EnvironTech Solar panels ←--- the top tier produces 46k rf/t (46,000 RF per tick)
Kill the EnderDragon and some withers
Get the Angel Ring from Extra Utilities 2 for flight
Get all the materials!
Immersive Engineering multiblock machines look awesome!
Look at RFTools worlds (that’s a real rabbit hole!)
Get into WOOT – very server friendly ways of getting mob loot
Get Wings Of The Bat (better flight than angel ring)
Get into Draconic Evolution
Look at Extreme Reactors ←-- 1 11x11x11 reactor will produce enough steam for 4 16x7x7 turbines, outputting about 120k rf/t using 1 yellorium ingot per 3 minutes or so?
Work up to killing the Chaos Guardian and getting Chaos shards
Make Chaotic Solar Panels ←---- 500k rf/t per one block solar cell
Make a self powering Netherstar Generator array, generating a surplus 1.8million rf/t after powering a woot farm
Make a tier 8 Draconic Evolution Energy Core and try to fill it lol lol lol

So, I currently have a surplus of 8.16 million rf/t coming in during the day, and 1.8 million during the night. I have a Tier 4 Environ Tech Lightning Rod that gives 30million rf per lightning strike, but these aren’t that common - I only made it because I could lol. I have essentially unlimited access to most materials. I’m looking into a way to automate a Rainbow Generator, as this generates 25million rf/t whilst running. My Draconic Core is sitting at 1.059Quadrillion RF at 0.011% capacity lol. I have 10,000 levels of xp available at the push of a button!

A note – it is possible to make IC2 use RF by using a Flux Plug and Point setup going into an IC2 battbox
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Just a bump, and to say server restarts have been pushed back to 6 hours - 00:00 06:00 12:00 and 18:00 respectively. Server has been up for 7 hours today after I cleared up the Forestry debacle, and I was hammering an RFTools builder for some of that!!

Just an fyi /cofh tps is a command you can all use to check for dropped ticks. Catch me either here or on Discord if there are issues.

I'm thinking about offering a bounty on Forestry blocks - specifically factory type blocks that have randomly spawned themselves in, but I'd want screenies before y'all start spamming them in and chopping then out!!
Hey Ham,

I can't seem to connect to the server I get Timed Out when trying to login? also tells me I'm on the server at the server screen, lol.

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Hey Ham,

I can't seem to connect to the server I get Timed Out when trying to login? also tells me I'm on the server at the server screen, lol.

Hiya - I've resheduled the restarts to a shorter timescale as there is a small memory leak that can cause time-outs, so this issue should now be resolved! Sorry I missed this yesterday!
Been playing Infinity Evolved on a server and with out any warning, they decided to do a wipe...
I'm feeling so defeated right now, think it's time for another game. :(
Been playing Infinity Evolved on a server and with out any warning, they decided to do a wipe...
I'm feeling so defeated right now, think it's time for another game. :(
That's always a not fun thing to happen :/
No plans to wipe this server anytime soon!!
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