New gaming rig advice

15 Nov 2010
Heya, im looking to buy a new gaming PC next week and im looking mainly at the Titan Xenomorph. I dont have the skills to build my own, and this looks like a solid choice. I want to be able to play the latest games (black ops and starcraft 2 are on my current to play list)

My budget is a little higher, the xeno is 580 and im looking to spend about 800. I have a windows 7 copy, so that doesnt factor into the cost. Would you reccommend going for another build, or if not what upgrades should i go for to bring it up to my budget and get the most reward?

And one other side question - Providing there is a free slot, would it be wise to transfer my current HD (to keep all the stuff) into the new PC even though i want to use a fresh windows install on the new HD, or would the windows on the old disc cause trouble.

Thanks in advance for any advice
Could even build it your self using 800 budget and get a very nice rig.


Thats just a rough spec which can changed. :)

Everyone has to start some where, the first rig i built was expencive and i think thats the only thing stopping people doing it. There are loads of great guides on the internet, it is very simple to do imo.
At some point I am interested in a self build, but this time I'd rather leave it to the experts. Iv got an image of my spare room covered in electrical parts for a week, which would lead to grief from the other half.

I'm a bit confused about solid states. They just seem so small gb wise it would cause trouble when i fill it with movies and crap.
At some point I am interested in a self build, but this time I'd rather leave it to the experts. Iv got an image of my spare room covered in electrical parts for a week, which would lead to grief from the other half.

I'm a bit confused about solid states. They just seem so small gb wise it would cause trouble when i fill it with movies and crap.

For SSD you dont fill with movies, you have a Normal 1GB ect for that and the SSD for booting your pc, and maybe a couple of programs like photoshop or itunes.
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