New GMMK Pro - mechanical keyboard

Hi ive just purchased the GMMK keyboard but ended up getting usa keycaps and having to pinch some keys of my old corsair. Can any 1 recommend me some uk keycaps please 80%
I'm also very interested in the GMMK Pro. Have already reserved the ANSI version with Glorious, but if OC are definitely going to stock the ISO, I'll hold off and wait. Any inside news of when in Q2 would be great!
hah, I get what you mean, I've just been scouring the internet looking for a keyboard with this particular configuration - it's a bit sad I know...
Same here, just blew the dust off my account to find out what OC are doing with this Keyboard.

I'm really looking for a 75% spaced out, and this is perfect after days of searching.
I pre-ordered but then cancelled when I saw the Iso version Q2 in the FAQs.
I preordered on the Glorious website. Since getting in to mechanical keyboards, I’ve found is much easier to just adjust to US layout. I actually prefer it now.
Thinking of going Alpaca v2 on mine with Durock stabs. I’d like some banana splits but none in stock anywhere.
Is OCUK going to start accepting pre-orders on these? Cant wait for the ISO version to be released and get my hands on it.

The youtube videos Glorious put up for the sound have received somewhat negative reviews, but I would be thinking of going Zilent V2s so not looking at clicky or tactiles where the sound of the board has a bigger impact...
Pre-ordered mine. Any way of checking what position you are in the queue?

I honestly wouldn’t worry for these, I can’t imagine a world where it’s like the GPU situation.

Although if it helps, we could keep an informal queue count here. Based on the data I have gleaned so far, I’m first and you’re second. :p
I lost access to my OCUK email address YEARS ago so this account has been dormant for donkeys years but I somehow remembered my old password today after trying it a few times over the last few years and giving up LOL. Could have created a new account I guess but I just never bothered despite lurking the forums at times for OCing advice.

So account back active, good time to drop by and say I'll be pre-ordering this. I've just recently purchased a Durgod Hades 69, but no changing the switches. It was nice to get a proper UK layout though.

This release looks like a dream. Hopefully not plagued with stock issues with just about everything else in the tech market at the moment.
Just put an order in, coming from the original/first Corsair K70, not sure which switches to put in when I get it. I have got really used to the Cherry MX Reds. Defo want some nice white translucent keycaps though, maybe translucent switches to make the RGB pop :). Ohh, and a custom Cable of course.
Just put an order in, coming from the original/first Corsair K70, not sure which switches to put in when I get it. I have got really used to the Cherry MX Reds. Defo want some nice white translucent keycaps though, maybe translucent switches to make the RGB pop :). Ohh, and a custom Cable of course.
HK gaming do some nice miami themed pudding keycaps that are a reasonable price. In terms of switches if you like reds then maybe go for silent reds or clears?
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