New Graphics Card - COD2 Problems

3 Jun 2004
Hi all,

Call Of Duty 2 used to work fine on my 9800 Pro although it did lock up on DirectX 9 mode I could play the game all day long on DirectX 7.

This week I received my 7800GS+ AGP.

I am now having a problem with Call Of Duty 2. Whenever I play the game it will suddenly lock up and all I get is a paused picture and a squealing noise from my speakers. The only way out is for me to press the reset button on my PC.

I have tried both DirextX 7 and 9 graphics modes for the game. DirectX 7 plays a little longer but does eventually lock up.

I also found sometimes that when I go back into the game after a lock up my config and saved games will be reset and I have to start from the begining.

I checked CPU and GPU temps and all is fine. My specs exceed the cards recommended requirements and I am using the latest nvidia drivers.

Any ideas how to overcome this problem?

Thanks for your help.
Raymond Lin said:
did you remove all traces of the ATI driver?

Yep...I have now done a format and reinstalled windows and then COD2.

It plays a little better but the problem is still there. It's random as sometimes I can play for 30 mins and other times it will freeze straight away.

I will have a look on the infinity ward forum.

Thanks for your help.
/\ Like marc says try some other games, ones that stress the system. TBH I would think it is more likely your system causing the problems than the game itself.
I had this problem ages ago when i had SLI 7800s.

Worked fine on 1 card but when i added another it crashed in the same manner you describe.

Try these as i did.

Drivers, i changed to different ones and it was ok

Traniners/Cheats.. It crashed more often when using a cheat/trainer.

Finally reinstall the game if all else fails
MeatLoaf said:
I had this problem ages ago when i had SLI 7800s.

Worked fine on 1 card but when i added another it crashed in the same manner you describe.

Try these as i did.

Drivers, i changed to different ones and it was ok

Traniners/Cheats.. It crashed more often when using a cheat/trainer.

Finally reinstall the game if all else fails
Like he said ^^^ I changed my drivers and it stopped the lockups.
It could be heat related? maybe the cooling fan on the card isnt doing its job well? the old take the side of the case and aim a desk fan in there may help (or try underclocking the card).

I assume you have the AGP drivers installed fo the motherboard?

And are you sure the PSU is providing enough amps? you really want at LEAST 18AMPS on the 12 line... more would be better.

Use motherboard monitor to check your volts, and also BIOS. be aware though, it may be a little off.
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