New Hazro, few problems

25 Jan 2009
East Kilbride, Scotland
Hi, just got my new hazro and im loving it but i noticed when my mouse goes out the right hand side of the screen, it takes a while to come back. So it turns out it says i have another monitor connected, which i dont. Theres a display device on dvi which is the hazro and another on the vga apparently. how do i get rid of this ?. Also the nvidia control panel now only has like 1 option in the sidebar, does anyone know why this is ?

In Windows 7, just click the 'detect displays' button to purge the ones that aren't connected anymore.
Just so people don't misunderstand, this is not a Hazro problem this is just windows screwing up once a in while. 95% of the time it does a pretty good job at keeping an eye on what's connected and what isn't (at least Win7 does - Win XP doesn't at all iirc).
Its not a hazro problem. I dont know what caused it, detect displays didnt help it. It still thought there was another monitor. I had to switch the cable to another dvi slot on the graphics card. or vga... cant remember which is which =P
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