New HD Time?

30 Sep 2003
Not so Sunny Dundee
I've been out fo the loop for a while now so not sure what the state of play on Hard Drives is so I'm looking for some advise.

I currently have 2 x Maxtor 8mb Cache 160GB Sata Drives which I'm running low on space on. I'm really looking for a new primary drive to hold OS, games and applications with data being spread over the 2 existing drives.

So whats best per buck based upon laod times being most important to me?

Cheers in advance :D
The Hitachi Deskstars are the best all-rounders and are very reliable drives. However I don't know how they compare with Seagate's new 10th generation drives [7200.10].


I have the Deskstar T7K250 250GB SATA II HDD, in HDTach it gives an Average read figure of just over 56MB/s, however, the new Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 320GB SATA II (16MB cache) is giving an HDTach Average read speed of just over 68MB/s, see Here

If I was buying a new HDD now around the 300GB size it would be the Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 320GB SATA II. :)
anyone know if these new seagates are like noise wise?

many of the seagates i have had are generally quite noisy... altho nothing in comparison with my maxtors lol :p
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