New HDD Troubles

1 Aug 2006
This post is in addition to a thread I made a while ago..

deleted said:
Well I'm looking to get a bigger HDD and I suppose SATA is the way forward, I currently have a couple IDE drives so what I need to know is..

Can I run the one SATA drive while having the other 2 IDE drives also? will it just show as 3 physical drives? assuming I set both current HDD's as slaves?


Anyways I installed the new drive all fine and dandy, got windows on it etc.
(Did this with only the SATA connected)
So I then detached the SATA drive and then replaced the two older HDD's, and formatted the original C drive.
I then replaced the SATA assuming it would automatically take master being the C and having windows, this is where I run into trouble.

If I keep them all connected my PC hangs just before the windows loading bar, but then If I use the SATA along with ONE of the older drives it boots fine.

I'm thinking jumper problem maybe? Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
6 Dec 2005
Cambridge, UK.
Your old PATA drives need to be set to MASTER and SLAVE if they are using the SAME 40/80 pin ribbon cable (master being the middle connector, and slave being the end connector), if they are on their own cable they both need to be set to master.

SATA drives dont "share" the channel with another device so are always master. Are you sure you have formatted your old C: drive? Even if you hadn't it shouldn't cause your PC to hang before the loading bar. I have no idea what would cause that.
1 Aug 2006
fobose said:
Your old PATA drives need to be set to MASTER and SLAVE if they are using the SAME 40/80 pin ribbon cable (master being the middle connector, and slave being the end connector), if they are on their own cable they both need to be set to master.

SATA drives dont "share" the channel with another device so are always master. Are you sure you have formatted your old C: drive? Even if you hadn't it shouldn't cause your PC to hang before the loading bar. I have no idea what would cause that.

Yer its defo formmated, when I say I can only use one IDE with the SATA I mean either IDE will boot with the SATA fine, just not both at the same time.
I'll re-check the jumper config in the morning, thanks!
5 Jun 2005
mattyrigby00 said:
cable select should work just fine, setting jumpers shouldnt matter but it is worth a try

Yes but note that IIRC CableSelect (CS) setting will only work if the cable being used is a CableSelect cable. Particularly on slightly older machines this is by no means guaranteed, which is probably partly why it's generally recommended to explicitly set IDE drives to master and slave rather than relying on the cable and the CS setting.

If you can get one of the IDE's to boot fine with the SATA but not both together it does sound like some sort of IDE drive configuration (master/slave possibly) issue...
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