Got myself a new HDD for my computer to go back to uni with as my last one was getting very noisy and my brother got a friend of his to install it into my computer for me. I asked for him to ghost the existing drive onto the new one so I could just use the new drive but for one reason or another he didnt so I guess I have to, can someone tell me how?. I have a copy of norton ghost but its an IDE drive i think (the one with jumpers) and Im not really sure what to do. Basically i want to ghost my C drive onto my G: drive (thats what its installed as) and then make it boot off that etc so i can remove the other. If its worth resintalling from scratch i can do that too as I have my windows CD. Not sure how it is partitioned or anything but i know its NTFS (its ready to store data on it) Just need some advice really, not quite sure what haha