new here, do u have a f/s/t section??

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15 Feb 2006
hi all, im new here! over from guru3d, im lo0oking for a more uk based forum!
do you guys here have a for sale or trade forum? i cant see one but i have no posts so i was wandering if that was the case, although, with this being from a (brilliant!) shop i dont suppose you will do you??
Yep we do!... Can't remember how many posts you need to unlock the 'hidden' Level!... :D

I think its somewhere in the General Sticky at the top!..

[edit]Christ hows that for Stealth Posting!!!... I was the first in here! (I thought) and Waaaaaaaaaaaay down the list of answers!!! :D [/edit]
Easy big fella, you have to make some interesting, amusing and thought provoking posts first.

Welcome to the freakshow. :)
I'm not claiming this one, I claimed one once and I had to clean up the mess...

To the OP, I'll just say that within this very thread will is a good place to make a 'Friend'... meaning to be revealed later.
bloody hell, you boys are quick! thanks all, i did have a quick look at the faq,
im stuck on dial up at the minute though, shouldnt have changed phone suppliers!!

this is probably me second or so visit to this forumj, seems good! i have come over from guru3d, kinda thought there might be a min post count, but i need to sell me opty fast to pay for me new gtx!
on the topic of sandwiches, im a plain kinda guy meself!

beef or turkey salad!

Welcome :)
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