Oh how blind you all are! Forget the house, that's almost inconsiquential.
If it's a woman be aware that you're pretty much bouncing off the limiter already. Once your moved in she will go bat **** crazy and then it's kids and all the crap that comes with that...GET OUT NOW!
Source: Experience
these can be quite restrictive, where I live it's no vans/commercial vehicles, no caravans, no running businesses from home, no front walls, lots of rules re trees etc
If it's a woman be aware that you're pretty much bouncing off the limiter already. Once your moved in she will go bat **** crazy and then it's kids and all the crap that comes with that...GET OUT NOW!
Source: Experience
What developer is it from? that would inform what I would be looking for.
What CODE rating is it? how many points did they get and how did they achieve it.
How are they achieving the renewables?
What heating system?
Is there RW harvesting?
Are the roads adopted?
Any maintenance charges?
Flood risk or flood aleviation measures
It shouldn't matter if it's built on contaminated ground i.e. it should have been remediated to a clean standard but it could be useful to know.
Also the Master Plan, is there any more to come, i.e. that nice little hedge could suddenly become a through road to another 500 houses.
The developer is Taylor Wimpey
When I mean first hand experience I don't mean I've bought one and had a bad experience I mean I've seen them being built, hundreds of them, in the site cabins, in the site meetings etc etc
All of which will be ignored as soon as the builder has flogged the last home! Generally they are only interested in keeping the place looking nice and family friendly until they have got there cash!
When planning permission is given a CODE rating is given, it's a minimum to be met, depending on the developer would depend on how they acheive this.
For example
One point is given for tidy driers over bath which are horrid things and add no real value, some developers wouldn't dream of putting these in, ditto RW havesting, some may be a bin connected to your downpipe and better ones would be underground storage and using it to flush the loos both generate the same points but make the development very different.
apart from few hippies does anyone really give a **** about that sort of stuff ?
It's been said before but I'll say it again, new builds, for so so many reasons. Are a dreadful investment.
Cheap finish, cheap build, you're really gambling on the type of area, often they drop in value very quickly indeed. Yet they cost as much as a proper house.
They look ok actually, although I'd be interesting to see them in person.New build developments over a certain size and i absolutely agree, i cant believe anybody actually buys them, it baffles me. The very idea of a new build estate is absolutely horrible.
I am not against new builds per say, these are for sale round the corner from myself, and they look great, but then they are two individual houses on generous plots on a non estate (shudder) location.