New iPod Nano

19 Jul 2006
First time posting in the Apple/Mac section so hi :)

I'm thinking of getting a Nano but I'm unsure on which one to get, the second generation or the newest one 3rd generation (Is that how they refer to them?)

To anyone who has a new Nano, whats the video quality like? I saw in town today and the screen looked pretty small to watch a video on, but I doubt I would be watching videos on it anyway, maybe Prison Break if I don't watch it at home.

Also, whats the new Nano's protection like, it is solid or will I need to purchase a 3rd party or an official Apple case (if they do them yet) for it so it won't get damaged (scratches I'm on about etc and scuffs)?

Finally, lol, if and of you have the new Nano, could you post me a picture?

Thanks, Steve :)
I had a play on one in the apple store and they seemed quite nice but I was there to buy a touch so didnt really take that must interest. The new menu system with coverflow seemed good too.

I advise checking out the "New iPod??" thread.

It's probably the one place where people have talked about the new Nanos the most, and you're most likely to find an answer in there (and some pictures) :)
I bought one last Monday when I was in the states for work.


The screen is fairly small but still offers QVGA resolution - 320 x 240 and the pixels are so small you'll have a real job spotting them. For decent viewing experience you might want to purchase 2 - one for each eye and construct some funky glasses to hold them in place.
Thanks guys :)

I may have a pop into the Apple store in town to see if they have one on display and I could have a hold to see what its like.

I just got one "free" with my new MacBook. The screen is great and you cn watch video on it, however wide screen is a little small. Sure you aren't going to want to watch video all the time but for train journeys etc it would be very usable.

The screen is recessed so should avoid getting scratched but you can get cases for them.
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