I am currently on blueyonder 10meg, it used to be very good but recently it has not been performing as well in terms of ping - however this is starting to mean less to me than before. It has also become far more likely to go down on any given day, as i conduct a lot of my business from home over the net this is not acceptable!
I want to know if there are any isps out there that i can transfer to that are
a] reliable (this is VERY important)
b] not to expensive
c] fast speeds
d] uncapped (i download at least 35gig of files alone a month)
I want to know if there are any isps out there that i can transfer to that are
a] reliable (this is VERY important)
b] not to expensive
c] fast speeds
d] uncapped (i download at least 35gig of files alone a month)