New Lens or Laptop?

Shimmyhill said:
The macbooks do run Aperture.

The pro is going to be a stopgap until kentfield (if they even release a pro this year) It will be slower thant the Quad G5 and intel macs are woeful in rosetta apps such as photoshop.

Now dont get me wrong, i love my macs and aperture is great but the mac world is pretty rocky at the moment. i would happily get rid of my intel mac for my old dual g5 powermac.

Ohh and the screen is horrid on the macbook, once you get past the glossyness and high contrast it is a worse screen than the ibook - not as sharp and the colours are wrong. My Macbook went wrong and im not getting another - will stick with the ibook and imac.

The screen on my MacBook is really good thanks :) It's a personal thing though as to whether you can get on with the glossy finish. I've never had problems with reflections, and yes it's bad in bright sunlight, but so are all screens!

I use Aperture on my MB and i do really like it (especially with a second screen connected), though it's not what i'd call fast on my 1.83ghz/1gb RAM machine.

The lens choice was the right one though ;) Get something that will last you years!
Matt said:
The screen on my MacBook is really good thanks :) It's a personal thing though as to whether you can get on with the glossy finish. I've never had problems with reflections, and yes it's bad in bright sunlight, but so are all screens!

I use Aperture on my MB and i do really like it (especially with a second screen connected), though it's not what i'd call fast on my 1.83ghz/1gb RAM machine.

The lens choice was the right one though ;) Get something that will last you years!

Agreed. Aperture is a fantastic package, but the way it randomly slows down and stops leaving you to make a coffee is rather annoying. Thats on a Macbook Pro with 2gb ram. Good choice on the lens. You can get a RAW editor for any OS but a lens is a lens.
Matt said:
The screen on my MacBook is really good thanks :) It's a personal thing though as to whether you can get on with the glossy finish. I've never had problems with reflections, and yes it's bad in bright sunlight, but so are all screens!

I use Aperture on my MB and i do really like it (especially with a second screen connected), though it's not what i'd call fast on my 1.83ghz/1gb RAM machine.

The lens choice was the right one though ;) Get something that will last you years!

Are running aperture on a standard macbook? the non pro one?
you lot are weird - i never have any problems with my powerbook, 2Gb RAM using aperture. it's an awesome piece of software if you just want to process photos. problem is that most of the time that's not all i want to do to them, and you dont get *as much* control as you do with CS2.

hope you're happy with your choice - i just got a Sigma 24-70 f/2.8 EX DG with a Hoya 82mm CP today. going to sell a couple of things and get Kenko extension tubes asap - then start saving for the biggun - 70-200 f/2.8 VR :D (then, of course, a D2Xs)
i dind think it was compatible wit hthe standard macbook and the intel gma 950 chipset. give it a few months more months and it will be on my shopping list :). Now though, I sit waiting eagerly for my lens :).
You're running aperture on a macbook?? Could i ask for a photo of that, I've been reliably informed it won't even install unless the reqirement for a discrete graphics card is satisfied. I'd be interested in how fast it is on a macbook too, it relies heavily on core image, which i imagine would die on intel built in graphics.
bigredshark said:
You're running aperture on a macbook?? Could i ask for a photo of that, I've been reliably informed it won't even install unless the reqirement for a discrete graphics card is satisfied. I'd be interested in how fast it is on a macbook too, it relies heavily on core image, which i imagine would die on intel built in graphics.

I ran it on my macbook before it died, it certinally runs much better on my imac and the gfx card has a huge effect on performance.
As fun as it is to rant, you need to fully star out the swear words and the competitor name too. Just buy her some shoes ;)
bigredshark said:
You're running aperture on a macbook?? Could i ask for a photo of that, I've been reliably informed it won't even install unless the reqirement for a discrete graphics card is satisfied. I'd be interested in how fast it is on a macbook too, it relies heavily on core image, which i imagine would die on intel built in graphics.

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