New Lenses

6 Oct 2004
At the moment I have only got the one lens, a Tamron 28-300 which is quite good IMO, but would like to get a shorter focal length lens and a fixed focal lens (as the fixed focals seem to support larger apatures)

I'm thinking of getting a couple of new lenses...

Among the list are;

Sigma 18-50mm f/3.5-5.6 DC
Canon EF 50mm f1.8 MK2

If anyone has either of the above what are they like?

And finally I'm after a Macro lens, but have no idea what I should be looking for, can someone tell me what the different focal lengths for Macro lenses should be used for


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Raider said:
Hmm i'm a bit puzzled. You own a 5D, but only have that Tamron lens? :eek:

If I had £2000 to spend, I'd buy a 30D and spend the rest on lenses, unless you plan to spoff a lot more over the coming months :p

The camera is about a month old and I couldn't afford to get more than 1 lens with it at the time (Well I could but I prefer to be able to pay off my Credit cards in full every month) and I wanted a lens with a reasonable focal length range

I'll probably pick up a few more bits n bobs over the next few months (Speedlite, battery grip, spare battery and lenses) but can't afford to splash out in 1 go
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TheBigCheese said:
I'd get the Canon 50mm no question, I use the 1.4 version with my 5D and it's fantastic!

However...I wouldn't go for the Sigma lens...I'd save the money and put it towards a lens that can really do justice to that 12MP sensor!

You won't be gaining much with the 18-55 that you don't already have with the 28-300.

Might leave the Sigma then, how much difference am I likely to notice between the f1.4 and the f1.8?
-=BAF=-AXE said:
One just gone up in MM @ £60 ;)


Can't afford it till next friday when I get paid :(

Cheers for the heads up Andy

Actually I forgot I'm selling one of my firewalls tomorrow so might be able to :)
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Ouch £700, at that I'd be inclined to live with what I have for short focal lengths for now and get a 70-200 as in this thread

Edit thanks for the advice on the macro lenses, I'll look into that next month :)
DRZ said:
Glass > body really - Unless you were desperate for a full frame camera, why didnt you go for a 30D and better lenses? (Just out of interest, not attacking you or anything)

Well because the camera wasn't originally for me, it was to be for my GF (now ex) hence I kept it, yes I could have returned it for a 15% restocking fee or sold it but I've not had a decent camera before so I thought why lose money on it.

I can't really afford to buy everything one off, so I'll build it up over time.
Just ressurecting this thread,

I now have a 50mm F1.8 MKII :cool:

only taken a few shots with it and think it's not a bad lens at all.

This month I can afford to get either another lens (looking at the 17-40 L)
or a few accessories (namely a bettery grip, extra battery and external Flash)

The 17-40 seems to be quite highly rated around here, however one thing that does spring to mind is the crop factor.....

I think most of you using it would have a 1.6 crop (feel free to correct me) which would mean the focal length would actually be: 27.2-64

Going from that the closest L equivalents I could find are either;

1) 24-70 f2.8 L USM
2) 24-105 f4 L IS USM

Which would you recommend? (the 24-70 is £70 more but at the price they are it's a little irrelavent) or would I be better off with the battery grip / flash?
(How often do you guys use flash, I don't like the flash I've used on compact cameras as it was far too bright, and are they a worthwhile investment (as I don't have one at all at the moment)? )
Well after having gone to the Renault World Series I have to say I definately was not happy with the Tamron 28-300 at the long end (In general comewhat may the pictures aren't anywhere near as sharp as the others I've seen here)

So I got this: Canon 300mm F4L IS :cool:

I would have loved to get the 2.8, I was talking to a Photographer for the Evening Post who had the 2.8 with him, it isn't discrete to say the least (That and it costs more than 3 times as much).

I think over then next 6 months my Shopping list will be;

Canon 580EX (Flash)
24-70 F2.8L
70-200 F4L (The F4 costs around 1/2 the price which allows for other bits and I can get the F 2.8 later if I really need to)

Will try and get a couple of pics later (Weather permitting)
Mr_Sukebe said:
Looks like a good choice in your shopping list.
The only question I'd ask would be about whether to go for the 300mm or 400mm prime. Have to admit, I'm favouring the 400mm for my own upgrade at the moment, as I can get close to the focal range of the 300 using my 70-200 with a 1.4x converter, though chances are that the prime would be a good deal better in outright image quality.

Well I was actually considering the 400 (F5.6 unfortunately as the F2.8 costs an absoloute fortune) but I would achieve the same using the 300mm F4 with a 1.4 (admittedly with a slight loss in quality) At least giving me the option of 300mm as well as 400mm. overall giving me 70-200 and 300 at F4 and 400 at F5.6 (Once I assemble my collection)

The 300mm F4 cost me £770 (-£105 rebate when i sort it out) and wasn't too different in price with the 400mm

And probably should have said this will be my first "white" lens so looking forward to using it (clouds not looking promising though :( )
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