New lid - graphics or plain? Matt or shiny?

11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
Since I've been riding I've always had a matt black lid, completely plain, which I've always liked (although it is hard to clean). Wasn't a fan of graphics or glossy lids.

However, as I'm getting deeper and deeper into my ongoing midlife crisis I've been looking at various options including some with graphics. Appears my taste/tolerance is changing!

I'm wondering what everyone else has?
Well looks like I'm going to the extreme and picking one of these. Most likely the black with red strips/white stars although the US flag reminds me of Evel Knievel. I have a red Panigale and black leathers so some consistency.

I started shopping around and the designs became (surprisingly) more and more outrageous. I was never into replica helmets (especially replica helmets!) but there you go. Opinions welcome! Quite different from the all matt black I have today :) Note, they're pretty punchy at £500+ and I hope that's not because of the GFX. Underneath the pretty paint is the Arai Chaser-X

what bike you got mate ?

I've just got this as it fit's my 1977 Z650 nicely ..
That’s a cool helmet. Straight out of Daft Punk! I ride a 959 Panigale so maybe not the best match, although my other bike is a YBR125, still gets a ride albeit rarely.

I watched the vid and he makes a good point about racy lids overladen with GFX that date quickly. Where as the more simple don’t. So now I might go back to black. I’m the worst decision maker. BTW I do like the Revzilla reviews on YouTube. That guys is really good.
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