new logo critique



21 Nov 2004
I was tasked with coming up with a new logo for our Private Hire Drivers Association.

bit of background we're a Scottish based association out to help drivers with various issues. be it licensing government or anything at all trade related


a bit of alchohol fuelled brainstorming resulted in this.

opinions please guys anything that stands out as obviously wrong or doesn't look right?
Reminded me a lot of the A team logo, my only concern was where you put the flag over the A, the edges look slightly rough. But a nice enough design i suppose.
its 2012 and you asked for opinions. I wasn't being rude.

no I didn't mean it like that. sorry I do appreciate you taking the time to give me some feedback. I was only pointing out the font would be instantly recognisable to anyone who grew up watching TV in the 80s (or I suppose went to the cinema in 2010) ;)

I was considering adding more Saltire to the text but I don't know if it would be too much what do you think?
Reminded me a lot of the A team logo, my only concern was where you put the flag over the A, the edges look slightly rough. But a nice enough design i suppose.

it is just a draft version atm and i'd imagine it will be getting used about half that size at most. but yes rough as a badgers backside.

spot on with the A-team link. i'm thinking it will provide some sort of instantly recognisable logo for a lot of people but they wont know why.
Have to say I'm not a fan of it...

The font could be offputting to some, I get where you are coming from - A-Team, if you have a problem come to us...but to others it could also seem a bit intimidating or aggressive - subliminally.

Also from a practical point of view, I think the design on the A is a bad idea, I don't think it would reproduce very well on paper thinking about letterheads etc.
It's not very modern. Needs to be in a decent modern font and in lower-case.

The stencil font doesn't really work, the spacing inside each letter makes it really hard to tell what it is at a glance.

Can't really see the flag on the "A" either.

It doesn't need the "THE".
It's not very modern. Needs to be in a decent modern font and in lower-case.

The stencil font doesn't really work, the spacing inside each letter makes it really hard to tell what it is at a glance.

Can't really see the flag on the "A" either.

It doesn't need the "THE".

Was in the process of writing exactly this. Basically what he said.
As above + I wouldn't know it had anything to do with "private hire drivers" at first glance.

Perhaps an italic typeface to give the impression of movement could work. As for the flag, it's very literal, dump it or use blue and white creatively somehow. Be careful that it doesn't read Phd, A (doctor of philosophy, A). Perhaps consider a graphic icon to help the logo stand out. Do some research in your market, what are others doing? Your logo is the first thing people see, it is the mark of your brand and your brand is your promise. Your logo represents your promise so make sure it conveys what you stand for.
thanks for the advice guys,

the problem is there isn't really any icons or imagery that can be readily associated with the PH trade unlike our Taxi cousins.

in regards to what others in the market are doing it seems that a quick look round any other trade bodies or company sites is like a flashback to the 90's

I honestly wish i'd went with my first design rather than letting our committee talk me out of it, I'm sure a flaming turd would have been much more catchy :)
Look at the bigger picture then (ie general motoring). The AA, RAC, car manufacturers, etc. There might even be something in working around the "TAXI" light on top of black cabs, just more exclusive and more up market. Perhaps using the Tate video media logo (by Double G studios) as an extreme example.

Or just don't think about it too much, full CAPS helvetica bold, read up on tracking and letter spacing, jobs a goodun. :P
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