New monitor slowing down computer

20 May 2006
Im asking this question on behalf of a friend who has recently purchased a monitor from a competitors website. This is a 19 inch "Hanon L993" monitor which was part of the websites value range.

He's using a dvi cable thats connected to the monitor using a dvi-vga adapter (the monitor is vga only).

The problem he's having is his computer is running very slowly, not solely in applications but in booting up, moving around the desktop, accessing the start menu and so on.

I would hazard a guess that the cable is at fault, but can anyone possibly give us some guidance as to what could be the cause of this problem?

Thanks in advance :cool:
theres one of two things going on here

when he moves the mouse, does the mouse leave a trail behind, and generally not move smoothly.

if the mouse is slowing down, its more than likely a display lag, and the PC itself isnt slow, its just the monitor is slow to display the image. Its probably faulty. Return it

the other thing is that his PC is fine, its just slow to load stuff up, but the mouse etc.. moves fine. This is more than likely caused by a virus, or a clogged install, or a program hanging or whatever, and is completely co-incidental and nothing to do with the new monitor.
Reinstall the video driver, and try changing cables or using a VGA instead of a DVI cable and see if there is any difference.

Some options for the video display might have been changed when the new monitor was installed.

I have never had any experience of a monitor slowing down performance/boot ... Although lag (ghosting) is possible.
only thing i would add to the above, is just check the refresh rate isnt to high for the monitor, and instead of failing the input it is trying to "adapt" therefore causing video lag

with regards to slow boot up, only reason i coudl guess at would be if there is indeed a problem with the monitor, and it is failing to initialise and the pc is slow because it is trying to "wait" for the monitor.

In which case the fix woudl be to take it back to the shop
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