New Motherboard and CPU question

11 Apr 2017
Hey guys,

So I'm looking to upgrade my RAM from 4 to 8GB and for this I need a new motherboard, preferably one designed for gaming.

I currently have an AMD Radeon R9 380 GFX card and an Intel i7 870 CPU.

I'm looking for advice on what sort of motherboard I'm looking for that will support both my GFX card and current CPU.

TBH honest the age of that cpu you would only find 2nd hand if your lucky.

Back in those days I dont think boards were tagged with any "gaming" branding.
Yeah I gather it's pretty old at this point.

Is there a good equivalent for gaming you could recommend? More than likely I'll upgrade the CPU as well if I have to.
You would need to do the RAM too and possibly a heatsink.

There are many boards with enhanced audio and networking features but you should possibly state what your budget is and what case, drives and PSU you have.
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