New Nikon DSLR... Soon

18 Sep 2005
Nikon Japan Link have a 20 day countdown to the unveiling of a new Nikon dSLR.

Not much is known about it yet, but it's looking likely to be a D70 replacement, using the same Sony sensor as in the D200 and A100.

Oh god mrk will be selling his Canon stuff and swapping yet again ;) Seriously though, the D200 has a nice film like noise quality to it so it can only be a good thing.
Hopefully it'll kick Canon into gear. They really need something special and not another slight update to their range.
To be honest, I doubt it will...
The D200 is too recent a release for it to be anything superior to that (ala D70 // D100) - which means that it's perpetually wedged inbetween the D70 and the D200.
That means it can be a really rather good camera, but nothing that's likely to blow your socks off.

We already know what sensor performance is going to be like, and that seems to be where choosing a dSLR stops for a lot of people... All this is likely to do is sit at a price point similar to the 30D, but with high ISO performance that doesn't match it. Which leaves people still rooting for the Canon option, and puts no major pressure on Canon to do anything much.
Canon will get their turn :)
It's new product launch time in August but I don't think Canon will announce anything radically different.
The current Canon D-SLR's are great anyway to be honest.

I'm just wondering how much longer Sony are going to supply Nikon with good or any sensors. It only takes a Nikon exec to upset a Sony exec and it's over ;)
Well this is good news to me!

I look forward to seeing what king of pricepoint we're dealing with. I can't see it costing much more than the D70 did at release, so it could very well be a bargain. Hopefully.

The thing that would make me chose a particular body over anything else of similar ilk (apart from to an extent, cost) would be the size of the body (Nikon seems to do pretty hefty bodies with a good level of ease of use). I can't stand the thought of a compact body, as I have quite large, unwieldy hands!

So if this new Nikon has the spec and quality it should, I may well be looking at it for my first DSLR. If it is any good.
cyKey said:
Oh god mrk will be selling his Canon stuff and swapping yet again ;) Seriously though, the D200 has a nice film like noise quality to it so it can only be a good thing.

I had an inkling to browse this trhead, not becuase of the trhead title but because I could feel my name mentioned in it and oh look!

but to be honest, it's gotta be better than the noise of a 10D :)
mrk said:
I had an inkling to browse this trhead, not becuase of the trhead title but because I could feel my name mentioned in it and oh look!

but to be honest, it's gotta be better than the noise of a 10D :)

Cool :D I like the noise on my 10D so thats only a good thing. But of course no noise is bad.
My guess is that the new Sony is going to put the willys up Canon and Nikon. After all, has the sensor of the D200, the anti shake mechanism from Minolta and according to the Sony shop I asked in today, will cost a guestimated £600. If you have any good Minolta glass, bit of a winner.
Mr_Sukebe said:
My guess is that the new Sony is going to put the willys up Canon and Nikon. After all, has the sensor of the D200, the anti shake mechanism from Minolta and according to the Sony shop I asked in today, will cost a guestimated £600. If you have any good Minolta glass, bit of a winner.

Sony shops never ever know anything about Sony products especially future lines so take a large pinch of salt with any info gained ;)

With Sony in such financial trouble i suspect they need Nikon for guaranteed income, i wouldnt expect they would want to upset Nikon too much.
cyKey said:
Cool :D I like the noise on my 10D so thats only a good thing. But of course no noise is bad.

Surely a camera that gives no noise at all would be perfect?

It would give more control the the photographer, you take the photo then add what ever type of noise you want in PS.
Sony is just entering the DSLR market and thus has a very long way to go before they make any dents into Nikon and Canon. For instance - Canon has a massive network of approved dealers, a pro backup lens & body service (CPS) in many worldwide countries, 30 million EF lenses and millions of camera bodies sold.

Sony is starting from zero and it'll take them many years to catch up, even they are forecasting a 2008 target of the 2nd largest D-SLR manufacturer behind Canon which I think is being quite optimistic.

Of course having more competition is only going to benefit everyone.

A lot of people are also saying that the Sony A100 is priced too high, predicted to be £700. It is currently possible to buy a Nikon D50 or Canon 350 with a kit lens for quite bit less than the Sony A100 body sells for. Maybe the mega pixel fans will save them.
I am not sure what the Sony strategy is with pricing. The a100 has anti shake and dust cleaning technology that neither the canon or nikon has and all the reviews say the build quality is much higher than the low level canon or nikon dSLRs. However, a lot of Minolta fans are upset at the cost of the sony lenses. Many of the better quality Sony lenses are significantly more expensive than the canon and nikon equivelents.

It is good to see more competition in the market as Canon look to becoming the Microsoft of cameras and Sony should have the resources to develop their range but they won't unless the get the pricing right. Of course for the body at least prices will probably come down quite quickly-what is the rrp of a Canon 350?

The new panasonic is priced even more stupidly though, even if it is the best looking dSLR :p
I wouldn't say that Sony are starting from scratch. They have been supplying Nikon and others with CCD sensors for a while and their new DSLR uses technology from Konica Minolta, so it's not as if Sony are starting out from nothing, it's been 2 years since Sony and Konica Minolta announced they were jointly developing DSLR's.

I realise that there are Canon and Nikon approved dealers etc.. but most people buy from the usual suspects and they'll be happy to stock the new Sony if people will buy it.

I believe the camera based anti shake and 10MP is going to appeal to a lot of people that don't have an existing collection of Canon or Nikon lenses.

Personally, I've just bought a 30D so it makes no difference to me :)
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