New PC Build Advice

ive managed to get win 7 working ok now through the ssd and resolved an issue with an 'iertutil.dll file was missing' issue and ive fitted a new cpu cooler whic keeps the temps at 31deg idle and only got to 49deg when running prime, does this seem better?

ive been reading up on the oveclocking side and it seems it would be good to do the gpu and ram and i also noticed amd have their own amd overdrive software, is this any good or is doing it manually better?
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Yeah that sounds good - is that with extra thermal paste? You may as well overclock the CPU slightly as well. I have no idea about that overdrive software, not much of an AMD guy right here. Someone else will know no doubt :)

thats with a new cooler and yes with new paste spread quite thinly. the overdrive software supposedly runs tests at set voltages/speeds and sets the best option for you, im a little dubious though :)
Does your RAM have an XMP profile on it? Check in the BIOS. If it does, enable it and your RAM will be sorted.

Those CPU auto-overclock features tend to add rather more volts than necessary; look for some guides and try doing it manually.

Your temperatures look absolutely fine.

Havent got a clue if its got an xmp profile, i take it it would be pretty obvious to see in the bios menu?

ill go the manual route then if thats best, i had read a similar opinion but wanted clarification.
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