New pc

20 May 2006
ok i have decided To build a new pc, this is what i been looking at so any tips or suggestions Welcome And what do you all think this would run latest games and future games like.

Case: Coolermaster Wave Master
Cpu: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4400+
Mother Board: DFI LanParty NF4 SLI-DR EXPERT
Gfx Card: XFX GeForce 7900 GTX 512MB GDDR3
Memory: OCZ 1GB (2 x 512MB) PC3200 Dual Channel Gold
Hard Disk: Western Digital Raptor 36.7GB WD360GD 10,000RPM
Sound Card: Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS Edition

Thanks a lot :)
Do you have a budget? The 74gb raptors perform better than the 36.7gb version but I would just get a nice big quick sata II drive like the Hitachi Deskstar 250gb, unless you already have drives for storage?
As above definitely go for 2gb with the rest of that spec, geil value will be fine but for an extra £17 I would get 2gb Mushkin HP3200 (the blue ones) which have stock timings of 2-3-2
Wavemaster are a good looking case, but very poor for cooling.

I have one - see sig.

Need to think about that with the kit you are putting in there.

Cooling is very important.

Pop into the cases forum mate.

I dont have too much experience of good cooling cases - as i just watercooled mine to get past the problem as i really wanted the case. :D

will you be overclocking?

what res do you game at?

have a look at the akasa eclipse or the lian li pc7+ case....i prefer the latter but maybe cuz i have one

antec neo he 500psu is great :)

just a word of warning although the raptors are fast they are somewhat loud...IMO.....I have a 150g raptor and was taken aback when I first heard it...

How about hsf...or will you be using the stock cooler? what about case fans? or are you not interested?
xirokx said:
will you be overclocking?

what res do you game at?

have a look at the akasa eclipse or the lian li pc7+ case....i prefer the latter but maybe cuz i have one

antec neo he 500psu is great :)

just a word of warning although the raptors are fast they are somewhat loud...IMO.....I have a 150g raptor and was taken aback when I first heard it...

How about hsf...or will you be using the stock cooler? what about case fans? or are you not interested?

Im happy playing games in 1024x768 - 1280x1024 is hightest i would probs go
And i will not be overclocking i donno where to start :)
i would be using case fans for now until i get more money
if you are gaming at 1280 x 1024 you will get away with a 256ram memory gpu as you said you are looking to save to money so you can start there....even if u game at 1024 x 764 a 256mb ram gpu will suffice...

i would go for the geil value 2gig ram....

lian li pc7+ case and antec neo he 500psu

and as you are not going to overclock and you want to save money you can get a cheaper mobo...

something like the asus which is a great stable board if not overclocking you dont need a SLI mobo unless you plan on going the time you upgrade gpu you wont really need to go down SLI road...

are you dead set on getting a raptor?
X-Fi... yes theyre good but dont wast your money on the Fatality. There is minimal difference between the different X-Fi models and you're mostly paying for the name with the Fatality. Go for the Platinum or the base model.

I seriously doubt you could tell the difference, other than how much wallet damage you get.

difference between Retail and OEM is that one comes with the box (Retail) and the OEM comes without the box...

retail is fully yes :)
yea , the difference is noticeable , but do you have another storage disk, 36gb seems a tad low even for a gaming computer.
raptors as said above have fast reading and response times for example :

a raptor reads/responds at 10,000rpm where as a standard IDE driver reads/responds at 7,200rpm

Raptors are slightly faster as outlined above but they are noisey IMO...

so whats your new spec then? after everyones advice
Antec P180 Advanced Super Midi Tower Whats this case like ?

Antec NeoHE 500W Modular ATX2.0 PSU And is a modular better ?

for my full spec im still looking at some gfx cards and reading some reviews on them. :) said:
Antec P180 Advanced Super Midi Tower Whats this case like ?

Antec NeoHE 500W Modular ATX2.0 PSU And is a modular better ?

for my full spec im still looking at some gfx cards and reading some reviews on them. :)

P180 is a nice case - have you asked for advice in the cases forum yet?

Modular is good, as you only use the wires you need - saves clutter!

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