looks great
Cheers, I'm really happy with how it's turned out. Thanks to the guys in Hardware that helped with the spec.
A few pointers to other "noob" people like myself building in one of these cases and using a SA:
- Try rerouting a load of the cables from the top panel as it makes shutting the side a pain if it's all bunched up with your ATX power cable etc
- Get the 8 pin power cable bent into shape ready for plugging in if you're not mounting the board first and using a large heatsink because I gave myself hand cramp trying to manouevre the damned thing into place!
- Get the optional top and front fans, but check what you order - sadly I didn't check for LEDs, although obviously it's down to personal taste.
- Blu Tack "glu dots" work a treat for mounting your SSD to one of the bays.
Cheers - hopefully some stress/stability testing to come soon.
BTW... connected to this is a Logitech G15 keyboard, Razer lachesis mouse and an NEC 24WMGX3 Monitor.
1) Hopefully get at least 4.0GHz out of the CPU - not sure about the Memory?
2) Hopefully overclock the GTX560Ti - not bothered about longevity as I'll be getting a GTX580 ~Feb or March.
3) Once the OS is on, Sandbox any internet apps!
4) Take a clean ghost image (any recommendations apart from norton?) for quick restore.
5) Take the old system apart, install a new cooler and try to get the E6300 up to 2.8GHz for my cousin.
Oh, look what else turned up for all my documents and stuff:
Got a very cheap deal on it and couldn't say no!