New Phantom/i12500K Build

Almost there now - just a little tidying to do.


It didn't explode when I powered it on... yet....


OS Install tomorrow hopefully.

BTW to people mentioning that ASRock boards come "bent" - it seems it's normal as mine was like that too.
looks great :)

Cheers, I'm really happy with how it's turned out. Thanks to the guys in Hardware that helped with the spec. ;)

A few pointers to other "noob" people like myself building in one of these cases and using a SA:

- Try rerouting a load of the cables from the top panel as it makes shutting the side a pain if it's all bunched up with your ATX power cable etc

- Get the 8 pin power cable bent into shape ready for plugging in if you're not mounting the board first and using a large heatsink because I gave myself hand cramp trying to manouevre the damned thing into place!

- Get the optional top and front fans, but check what you order - sadly I didn't check for LEDs, although obviously it's down to personal taste.

- Blu Tack "glu dots" work a treat for mounting your SSD to one of the bays.

Cheers - hopefully some stress/stability testing to come soon. :)

BTW... connected to this is a Logitech G15 keyboard, Razer lachesis mouse and an NEC 24WMGX3 Monitor. :D


1) Hopefully get at least 4.0GHz out of the CPU - not sure about the Memory?
2) Hopefully overclock the GTX560Ti - not bothered about longevity as I'll be getting a GTX580 ~Feb or March.
3) Once the OS is on, Sandbox any internet apps!
4) Take a clean ghost image (any recommendations apart from norton?) for quick restore.
5) Take the old system apart, install a new cooler and try to get the E6300 up to 2.8GHz for my cousin.

Oh, look what else turned up for all my documents and stuff:


Got a very cheap deal on it and couldn't say no! :D :D :D
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if its working and not getting the error codes then you should be fine on the ben't pins from, the ram is showing as dual channel right?

I got my replacement board from asrock on monday so just need to sit down and finally get my new system built, to think this all started in august taken this long. usually take me awhile to build but this is bordering on the ridiculous.
if its working and not getting the error codes then you should be fine on the ben't pins from, the ram is showing as dual channel right?

I got my replacement board from asrock on monday so just need to sit down and finally get my new system built, to think this all started in august taken this long. usually take me awhile to build but this is bordering on the ridiculous.

Didn't check the POST properly, but I've put the RAM in the correct slots so should hope so. I'm too tired to do any more now. This build has made me get over my phobia of removing and re-applying TIM. :D

Glad you got the mobo sorted mate. I love the features on this board - the power and reset buttons are a nice touch, as is the Dr. Diag thing.

I'm thinking of getting one of those Akasa spot coolers for the GPU and connecting that up to the spare fan connector, might help a bit with the temps if I OC it.
OK, changed the BIOS settings for memory to the rated values... 9-9-9-27 and 1600MHz. Stress testing has started. Running Prime95 now.

Here are idle temps with all fans at minimum:

So I think I put the HSF on properly!

Currently the highest core temp is 39* if I turn the fans to medium. With them on min it was running at about 42*.

Any pointers on the other tools I should be using? I have Prime95, SuperPI and Realtemp...
have the same case but in white/red

cracking case to build into, good tip on re-routing the cables though, might have to try that on mine :)
Yep, it makes closing the side easier. :) I still sort of wish I'd got the white version but I can't see it staying clean over the years!

Right, only been runing for 20 mins stress testing but here we are:


I'll go to the pub for a few hours I think then see how it is when I come back. Bit of a disparity has appeared on core 4 though. I don't think it's anything to cry about though. Maybe the TIM needs time to cure or something. :)
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Very very nice build man, keep it up :)

Thanks mate. I will admit to absolutely bricking it while I was putting it together; my hands were shaking and sweating when I was tightening up the HSF pressure screw, expecting to hear a big cracking noise. I bought a full antistatic kit just to be doubly safe as well (would definitely recommend this for peace of mind).

Hopefully others building their own kit after a long time away from hardware like me or for the first time can pick up a few things from here. :D I'm really grateful to everyone that's answered my dumb questions. ;)

Oh, thanks to OcUK for quick delivery on the parts I ordered from them as well!
Sorry, will chuck some final pictures up tonight... kept meaning to but got caught up playing Skyrim. :p
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