New Picture Car Rims

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have you not seen them clocks with the swinning hand that tells *** time in the air guess it works in the same way?!??! :confused:
Yep, its real alrite, thes have been out for quite sometime.

Not that much of a fan, although i wouldn't turn them down.
Mohinder said:
Thizzle izzle tha bizzle fo shizzle mizzle nizzle izzle
This is the business for shore my niggles? :D I'm not fluent in snoop so just wondering if Ive got it correct.

binaryknight said:
quite gimicky just for attention seekers really :D imo could be a danger due to the distraction it will cause other drivers

good point. aren't only orange lights allowed on the side of cars etc?
binaryknight said:
quite gimicky just for attention seekers really :D imo could be a danger due to the distraction it will cause other drivers

Never thought of that, would like to see an official answer to how they got past the 'destraction issues'
its in america thats how...

tbh they will be marketed as 'show use only' like lots of other car things.
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