**NEW** *Post a picture of yourself thread* - New Rules


Well done losing it all. I know you've gone for the fat and miserable pose and the thin and happy pose in the pictures... it actually looks as if the one I've quoted (mainly to help other people see the contrast) looks like the before picture. As in this is me before a Burger King opened in my bedroom and this is me 5 years later.

Anyway, that's an enormous amount of weight and in the Corfu picture you really don't look ill or anything, you look healthy.

How did you do it?
Hopefully you will now be able to find a nice man to settle down with ;)

Don't get jelly now ;)

Well done losing it all. I know you've gone for the fat and miserable pose and the thin and happy pose in the pictures... it actually looks as if the one I've quoted (mainly to help other people see the contrast) looks like the before picture. As in this is me before a Burger King opened in my bedroom and this is me 5 years later.

Anyway, that's an enormous amount of weight and in the Corfu picture you really don't look ill or anything, you look healthy.

How did you do it?

Thanks, and tbh the reason why I use that picture because that was the day I started losing weight, it was when I was at my very biggest and it hides nothing lol.

Straight up I was hypnotised and had a hypno-gastric band fitted. If anyone wants more info they can email [email protected] :)

Am I missing something? :p

Yes, he's on the wind up :p

Nice going fella. Any tips?

Tbh the way it works is that your body adapts to your lifestyle...if you drink a lot, eat lots of junk food and have huge portions, then you will end up a porker. I'd put money on any big person if they carried on eating the same foods but cut the amount they eat in half they'd shift at least a couple of stone very quickly.

@Phate - that is an awesome result in such as short space of time.
I need to do what you've done as I am probably the opposite to yours.

If you want info on the hypno band just drop me an email :)
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Straight up I was hypnotised and had a hypno-gastric band fitted. If anyone wants more info they can email [email protected] :)

When you say you had it fitted, do you mean you didn't have it fitted and it's just hypnotism? Edit : Or is it a combination of a real gastric band plus hypnotism?

I'm pleased it worked for you but I think it was a placebo and your own willpower did it.

Did you get hunger pains?
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When you say you had it fitted, do you mean you didn't have it fitted and it's just hypnotism? Edit : Or is it a combination of a real gastric band plus hypnotism?

I'm pleased it worked for you but I think it was a placebo and your own willpower did it.

Did you get hunger pains?

Just hypnotism.

Well hypnotism works off will power and the power of persuasion, you have to REALLY want it to work for it to do its thing.

And no no hunger pains, it also takes away cravings and temptation for snack type foods and mentally encourages you to want healthy foods.

I also got a list of stuff to avoid to help myself, basically anything with high calorie content like cheese and mayo :D - having it done gave me the mental boost and motivation to make it work and stick to it. I was near 17 stone something when I started and I'm only 5ft 7, I was disgusted with myself.
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Just hypnotism.

Well hypnotism works off will power and the power of persuasion, you have to REALLY want it to work for it to do its thing.

And no no hunger pains, it also takes away cravings and temptation for snack type foods and mentally encourages you to want healthy foods.

I also got a list of stuff to avoid to help myself, basically anything with high calorie content like cheese and mayo :D

I'm too much of a cynic for hypnotism to work.. I am starting to try to lose weight you see, so that's why I'm interested. In any case it's a terrific achievement, don't go and put it back on :)
I'm too much of a cynic for hypnotism to work.. I am starting to try to lose weight you see, so that's why I'm interested. In any case it's a terrific achievement, don't go and put it back on :)

Heh, well it wouldn't work for you I don't think. You have to be at least open to the idea of it. A few others have gone to see the same person based on my recommendation and they have all lost weight from it. Thanks mate and no way I'm not going back there. I've replaced my wardrobe 4 bloody times!
I'm too much of a cynic for hypnotism to work.. I am starting to try to lose weight you see, so that's why I'm interested. In any case it's a terrific achievement, don't go and put it back on :)

I lost almost 3 stone in about 8 months (no gym) a couple years ago and it stayed off.

What changed?

I stopped eating bread regularly, 1 bacon sandwich on Friday!
I don't have KFC anymore.
I colorie count religiously.
Lean meat and veg was basically all I had, twice a week I have some rice

Once your body get used to not eating the junk and break the cycle, your craving for bad food goes away.

I still have pretty much the same diet now, I don't eat much bread, I don't eat much junk food. I eat a LOT of salad, soup and fruit. My bowels have never been better! lol
I lost almost 3 stone in about 8 months (no gym) a couple years ago and it stayed off.

What changed?

I stopped eating bread regularly, 1 bacon sandwich on Friday!
I don't have KFC anymore.
I colorie count religiously.
Lean meat and veg was basically all I had, twice a week I have some rice

Once your body get used to not eating the junk and break the cycle, your craving for bad food goes away.

Let's move to another thread because we're taking this way off topic. I'll post one up the now.

Sorry thread. :)
Does the hypnotism "wear off" or is it a permanent thing then?

Good question.

It doesn't wear off as such...basically part of the band being fitted is that if you eat too much you throw up (I tested this and it worked) - I had a way of measuring how much I could eat (one cup of food per meal) and making sure it was 400cals per meal to ensure this didn't happen.

You soon learn how to judge that so you don't serve yourself too much food to a point where you don't even have to think about it so you don't feel the band. After 2-3 weeks your stomach will then physically shrink to adapt to your new lifestyle, so you get full up quicker anyway.

Basically, once you've learnt the boundary of it you don't ever 'notice' it - so has it worn off?

No I wouldn't say it has, I don't get cravings for **** food and get disappointed if I eat unhealthily, but thats just the mental state you put yourself in from the change of lifestyle anyway.
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