**NEW** *Post a picture of yourself thread* - New Rules

Wires everywhere, a 5:4 monitor (WTF!), no coaster on the glass. Just gets from bad to worse!
My new Screen aint arrived yet I bought a new one!!!!!!!!!! I only just built that machine lol!!! Baby steps yo baby steps!!

Also to make things worse I got this for you guys LOL. Digging myself a grave here!

1 Meeeelion Dolllarrrrsss
Kinda miss having my UV reactive hair, but it was a pain to dye, so meh.


Naff mobile phone pic, but it's the only time I had a fully UV hairdo


A more recent one, having swiped a friend's homemade Bane mask

Yeah, the girl who made it is an awesome artist, and it was a friend of her's comic book themed birthday night, so she made that out of gubbins from the local pound shop (mostly card and bendy straws). There were some damn awesome costumes that night, so inevitably we started stealing bits for photos :p

She's making a flatmate a Sandor Clegane helmet some time, so I might need to steal that too :D
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