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I wish I could grow a tash like that.
Been a while and it's Movember!
Donate here please:[IMG][/QUOTE]
Wow that is some fuzzy hair and eyebrows
Also loving the handlebar tash
My hair grows quick. If I don't get my hair cut for 4 weeks it looks like a 70's afro!
There's quick and there's that Movember, five days growth! How many times a day do you shave normally?
Since this is elsewhere
I don't understand your beard.
Does anyone on this forum have the right to give advice on what girls tend to like...
Mother, may I!
Where did you get that!? I want it!
I could?
Krooton, that looks like a great fancy dress party. Why didn't you dress up, too?
the hat works as long as its meant to be funny?
Nat !!! back to red hair !