**NEW** *Post a picture of yourself thread* - New Rules


I would <3.
You win, If thats real please direct me to said thread.:)

When I started a new job in May 2008 one of my first tasks was to get somebody famous to do a talk at a NHS Young Apprentices Awards evening.
I rang lots of agents but I needed somebody for no more than £3000 :eek:
When I eventually had lists through, Chris Barrie said that since it was a NHS thing he would do it half price so he was normally £6000.
I had to spend the whole evening with him and spent around 1 hour in his room telling him about the different students so he could write a script.
He did a 30 minute set doing Spitting Image voices and doing a character that was a cross between Rimmer & Brittas and then spent the rest of the evening getting me drunk while mingling with the parents.
While drunk he told me about the Red Dwarf 3-parter he was doing and then swore me to secrecy.
I still have his phone number.

One of the only times I've been in a suit -

This was taken on the same day as the last picture I posted, just after getting caught in the horrendous storms they have in Florida.


We then went in an air conditioned indoor ride in Epcot and froze, smuggling peanuts under my shirt for sure!
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