**NEW** *Post a picture of yourself thread* - New Rules

I did promise to post my work photo a while ago but it doesn't seem to have be put on the website yet. How about one of me hugging a giant penis in the sex museum in Amsterdam?

To be fair porushinobu did post a picture not long ago.....it wan't much better.

I will fake smile like I havent fake smiled before so that my next pic is epic
@Gixer, bit stiff after the drive?

Hahaha, nope not at all. This has been pointed out to me by the g/f funnily enough. 4x4 driving, whilst mildly entertaining, doesn't really do it for me. I'm a speed person. The bulge would have been FAR more impressive had this pic been taken at a track day event ;) Guess some of us got a little bit more luck on some fronts over others....
Not that i'm really established around here but I guess the only way to do that is by posting :)

Me and Luke from X factor last night at Pearl Jam Concert VIP area, Photobombed by Newton Faulkner,


Newton Falkner - Teardrop (cover)
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