Chelsea please
You pick a different Premier League team each round and as long as your teams keep winning you stay in the game.
But don't worry, you're in good company.![]()
spoogle, Freakitchen, Gilly, Sycho, CliffyG, pingwing, Weebull, Tom84, Artheas, toshj, bagsjoni, cheets64, Pigeon_Killer, JPMslither, Shamikebab, explicit4u, Silent-Lucidity, Elixir, HumanShield, The Pat, Egon, mufc802, Stretch, Miguél, K1LLSW1TCH, Lonewolf, Russinating, dpbadger, G18241, piggeh, St.Josh, Liquid_Entity, Kennysevenfold, simulatorman, SideWinder, shipinabottle, DoubleCheese
Pighardia, theone91, reefoid, aaron333, logix42p, foz2000, Nossmayo