New Ram For RIVE

I can get to the desktop @ 2450(using Vengeance 2133) no probs

but nowhere near stable(1.775vdram),so I'm hoping not far off 2500

Will also be running TriSli Titans if that makes a difference
Test the IMC. Reset Bios and keep pushing the RAM up until you get 01 or 00 this is the incapable frequency.
Sorry mate been doing other stuff sadly. I am working on RAM stuff though. Doing it now mate. Tuned DDR2475 its on memtest!!! as I type. This is for benching first. Then I will do 24/7 later.
Done. This is benching as I said above. Its memtest stable and Pi, 3D stable and has good efficiency.

Set VCCSA and VTT at 1.2v, DDR 1.75v -1.8v DRAM Clock period is 6 CPU scew -3 CPU PCI scew -30.Disable warm boot fast to force training. In digipower I had VCCSA LLC at regular with 120% and RAM 120% Optimised. BLK is 103.1.

Set your CPU up as you would normally (LLC,Vcore etc) although bare in mind you may need a dash more to support the tuned RAM speeds. I advise for bench a current of 180%. This is fine dont worry even on air. Set CPU power frequency to 800.

Rampage Tweak mode 2, Latency boundary Nearer. All timings below.

I hope you understand this mate. I know the explanation is not as full as some I do but any issues please ask.
Of Protein???

Come and have a chat for sure mate I am defo around Overclocking peoples machines.
TWR 12 Ref Cycle Time 124 are your next trial points. tRRDD and tRRDR get them as low as poss too. Ideally 0.
Returned the Corsair 2400 Plats as having issues with them,

swapped for Corsair 2133 Plats and gave your settings another whirl

Ignore high vcore will tweak that down

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Turns out having more joy with these :D
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