New Site looking for critique

26 Apr 2012
Hi All

Hope this is allowed here, it not please feel free to remove.

I have been working a new site recently. Which I think is getting to a point where it has enough content to release it while I continue to build on it.

I am not really a designer and would class myself more of a developer. So what I am hoping for is some feedback on the look and feel of the site. The problem I always have is that I end up adding to much and its starts to look to messy so I have tried to keep it simple, is this good practice? Also looking for any general improvements/additions that could be made.

One thing that I seem to change on a daily basis is the position of the images in the articles, should they be above or below the text? Thinking about it this is the main thing that is annoying me about the interface. The images just look like they are plonked there but I have tried above, below, left, right, centred and am never entirely happy! Don't think it helps that I have stared at it for so long!

I am also not completely happy with the speed of the site. So I will be working on improving this.

Next step is to try and build an audience I have been keeping Facebook, Twitter, Google + updated since I started the site but it is mainly friends and family following me!

Heres the link, thanks in advance.

The Site has been developed using the Laravel PHP Framework as the backend and the Frontend is AngularJS and Bootstrap.

Last edited:
24 May 2011
The contact screen bottom bar isn't at the bottom of the page, leaving a large white space below it.



23 Nov 2007
Ok a few points:

- Red text on green background is a big no no - very bad for colour-blind peeps
- Have the nav bar be left aligned as people read from the left
- Facebook stuff should be to right of main content
- Needs greater visual distinction between Day and article dates
- the year and article go together but they are displayed as separate (if that makes sense!? i.e. if you were to keep the boxes, the year should be inside the relevant box)
- Bit more padding required in general (add whitespace)
- Footer needs more padding and top/bottom padding should match
- Search date area looks a bit messy - maybe remove 'Search Date', and change reverse date button to only include arrows
- A few visual glitches at mobile widths

Looks like a great start though! :)
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