New Sky Friends and Family deal

If prices are going to rise in February it's likely we would have heard about it by now as first bills would be going out within the next month. If any price rises are planned and they get announced tomorrow then it will likely be for at least March onwards, maybe even later than that.

All I know is that we have a big light board at work that talks about 'setting your TV free' so I believe it is TV related, possibly a new box of some sort. Unsure on 4k though.
Misscheif - Are the new customer offers for the complete bundle supposed to come with a 2tb box or the old 500gb one?

I got an old one but thought id get a new shiny box?

If it isn't 4k tmoz sky are failing .. used to market leaders , but they are slowly being nibbled .

After about 13-14 years with sky this will be my last unless they come up with some unbelievable deal for me to stay, 4K is what I want and sky seem unable to provide that(yet BT can), they can't even provide good quality HD that streaming services are providing never mind 4K( which may I add looks outstanding on Netflix and Amazon prime). sky have been resting on there laurels for years and it's coming back to bite them hard ,price rise after price rise yet no genuine improvements to the service, HD channel after HD channel shoehorned onto one transponder cutting the quality, I mean come on still no 1080p never mind 4K after all these years yet Netflix and Amazon have proved you don't need a lot of bandwidth to transmit 1080p. BT are now a genuine threat to sky and unless they pull there collective fingers out virgin will over take them also.
wow no 4k content this xmas. Epic fail there. Good job I already have bt UHD and I'm totally sacking off sky in the new year.
whats bt tv like ?

The UHD is a revelation and the box is quick. Resolution is 1080p on all channels too. AMC HD is a bonus. We can all pirate game of thrones and live with BT at the end of the day. Don't need a tv aerial either just fibre......I use freesat on the tv for free channels and BT box for paid channels.
i dont have a freesat tv just freeview.

but i only mainly watch motobike (motogp is bt) wsb & bsb eurosport)

and i can get both on the bt tv at half the price of just sky

think ill look into it a bit more

I have ONE new customer code. Also, of the fifteen codes I've sent out only THREE people have actually booked using the codes yet I've told five or six people I don't have any codes left. If you want to get the discount, please book by 17/12 as that's when the code runs out. Also, please actually USE it!
I have ONE new customer code. Also, of the fifteen codes I've sent out only THREE people have actually booked using the codes yet I've told five or six people I don't have any codes left. If you want to get the discount, please book by 17/12 as that's when the code runs out. Also, please actually USE it!

My code will be free, my parents have managed to get a basic package at some cheap price.

Do you want me to send it on or will you send it to someone?
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