new skynet challenge

Okay, I've mostly swapped over now with the only hoarding going on the WU's from the last challenge :)

For this challenge I shall be supporting team 86 :D
We started well in 2nd place after the first update but have now dropped to 4th.

Perhaps a little too early to call :p
I've just gone to fire my machines up (thought I'd switch them off and give them a days rest) and one of them won't boot, dead :( so I have only two 3770ks on it now until I fix the other one.
We dropped to 5th for a short time but back in 4th and I can't see us getting any higher in the next month unless more people are going to start crunching pogs. All 3 teams above us have been regularly outputting more than we managed during the last challenge :(
Just signed up for this as now coming back to Distributed Computing....

Does skynet utilise GPU or is it purely CPU based?
Ah, ok thanks.

Have got seti up and running in conjunction too....just trying to get my old WU's attached to my new account. Have forgotten password for old account and the email addy is no longer accessible...oh joy

Just found old account and can actually recall the pwd...not lost the 687640 WU's then...woohoo
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Looks like you've just popped into the stats, straight in at number 13 :)
If that's not a good omen I don't know what is :D
I think you're confusing Shelster with another user called xrobert who has joined us from the UK Boinc team (hello and welcome) Shelster hasn't returned any work units so far.

With regards to the challenge, we seem to now be holding our own against the 3rd placed team ICRAR, it remains to be seen if we can close the gap and overtake them.
You're right, I wasn't sure either hence my choice of words :)

I was right about it being a good omen though, it means we now have 2 more helping the team push for 3rd place :D

Shelster is also now showing in the stats :)
FreeDC stats says we gained just over 11,000 on them yesterday :), we are now 91,457 behind.
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Hope to get my 4770k back up and running this week, fingers crossed, should help a bit

edit: its up and running, gona try win 10 on it later tho
Last edited: WU's are going in now.....may even break out the old OC on my lowely 2500K and see if that will help me some more.....but there again, may leave it as is as is getting rather warm in my geek den now. Not too hot mind you as temps are reading 49 at present and that is with running SETI on xfired 7970/280x too.
So the good news is ozaudio has joined and helping the push for a podium place :)

We are also only 36,000 behind them now :):)

The bad news is I'll be away for 4-5 days from the weekend so won't be around if things need restarting :eek:
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