new skynet challenge

They're now 820K ahead and with 20 days left we would need to out produce them by 42K everyday to catch them.
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Biffa sent out the call I just need to know how many cpu's cores we need.

How many points would say a i7 970 produce?
I have thrown four rigs at this see how it goes.

Keeping the big rig folding but if it looks like we need it I will throw that in aswell:)
Problem is I only fold with cpu:(

Edit : Stuff it folding will have to take a back seat for a while big rig now switched over:)
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Biffa sent out the call I just need to know how many cpu's cores we need.

How many points would say a i7 970 produce?

Thank you s'ah you are a star as usual :)

Good news is boinstats shows us outproducing the Czechs by about 11K PPD

Hopefully as your rigs ramp up we should be able to increase that. :D
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They're now 820K ahead and with 20 days left we would need to out produce them by 42K everyday to catch them.

We're now 650K behind :D
This should be exciting as we're catching them hand over fist, what a difference an extra hundred odd cores makes :D

Go team OcUK!
Far too much red... :(


Go green stalagmite! :)
I'm just finishing up a couple of F@H CPU WUs. When they've finished, I'll switch over my two rigs for the remainder of the challenge. i3 3220 and dual hex core X5650s. That should help things along a bit.
Computer 1:
CPU - Core i5-3470 @ 3.20Ghz

Computer 2:
CPU - Core i3-540 @ 3.07Ghz
GPU - GeForce 210

Computer 3:
CPU - Dual Quad Xeon-E5540 HT @ 2.53Ghz

That is what I'll be bringing to the table over the next few days, if my registration email ever comes through that is.

EDIT: Ok, PC2 is up and running its first set of units. I've joined the team, is there anything else I have to do?
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That is what I'll be bringing to the table over the next few days, if my registration email ever comes through that is.

EDIT: Ok, PC2 is up and running its first set of units. I've joined the team, is there anything else I have to do?

No, that's it, welcome aboard :)
How long before the Czech National Team look over their shoulder?

That's a pretty impressive ramping up of our resources in the last few days. Just hope it won't cost us too dearly on other projects.
forgot my cpu hasn't been running this for 2 days as folding took it over so ive just nudged the cpu from 4 to 4.3 and stuck boinc back on
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