New street fighter teaser site

Wow! They might as well just have had a black screen, waited twenty seconds, then displayed the words "coming soon".
Got a SNES and was playing some of street fighter 2 yesterday. I think its still better than SF4, even if it does look 100 times better
I heard rumours through a colleague that it will be new characters: T Hawk,Dee Jay, Dudley, Makoto, Ibuki, Sodom, Guy, Cody and maybe a brand new character. Also multiple ultra's might be a possibility. It could also be sold under the name 'Super Street Fighter IV'
Not bad, personally I would like to see:

-New characters
-New stages
-Bonus stages
-Classic SF music back!!!
-Maybe a choice of 2 ultras for each character
-Super/Ultra damage reduced a tad
-Slight character tweaking (Sagat too powerful/Akuma too weak)

So afew from that list ticked off is good. I don't think they will be able to improve online play much, it will always be an offline preferred game but without a doubt the PS3 online problem needs fixing.

This should be an awesome game though. Any idea when they are looking to release this? Summer 2010?
Not bad, personally I would like to see:

-New characters
-New stages
-Bonus stages
-Classic SF music back!!!
-Maybe a choice of 2 ultras for each character
-Super/Ultra damage reduced a tad
-Slight character tweaking (Sagat too powerful/Akuma too weak)

So afew from that list ticked off is good. I don't think they will be able to improve online play much, it will always be an offline preferred game but without a doubt the PS3 online problem needs fixing.

This should be an awesome game though. Any idea when they are looking to release this? Summer 2010?

Akuma too weak??? :confused:

Sagat isn't really too powerful either, too powerful would be that he has a ridiculous advantage over everybody else.
Not bad, personally I would like to see:

-New characters
-New stages
-Bonus stages
-Classic SF music back!!!
-Maybe a choice of 2 ultras for each character
-Super/Ultra damage reduced a tad
-Slight character tweaking (Sagat too powerful/Akuma too weak)

So afew from that list ticked off is good. I don't think they will be able to improve online play much, it will always be an offline preferred game but without a doubt the PS3 online problem needs fixing.

This should be an awesome game though. Any idea when they are looking to release this? Summer 2010?

I agree with most of the list apart from the Bonus stages, never saw the point of them and was glad when they disappeared in SSFIIT

No matter what, this will be a purchase for me, been an SF fan since the original SFII on the arcade. :)
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They have "upgraded" each previous numbered Street Fighter so it was kind of expected.

I would prefer it if it was DLC, or somehow cheaper if you have the original but I doubt it will happen.
They have "upgraded" each previous numbered Street Fighter so it was kind of expected.

I would prefer it if it was DLC, or somehow cheaper if you have the original but I doubt it will happen.

Yep, the Street Fighter series is infamous for that, but then much most other Capcom games tend to get newer versions after a while, looking at Lost Planet: Colonies Edition and now Resident Evil 5 being recent examples. It kind of makes day one purchases of some of their games pointless and a waste.

I highly doubt DLC for extra/newer characters can ever work for a fighting game, unless they are completely done and hidden away on the disc and only to be unlocked by a code, as it can make or break the game i.e. think of the coding giltches, exploits and problems it can cause.

Hence why fighting games tend to get another full release revised version. Look at Virtua Fighter 4 & 5 and Guilty Gear XX as other examples.
I wonder if they will change existing mechanics of the game? Perhaps the balance of existing characters? Maybe make Guiles somersault explosion with a little oompf :D ?

Perhaps his Sonic Hurricane or Crossfire assault may make it to this edition :p?
Here's some confirmed info from some guy at Capcom:

* Super Street Fighter 4 is tentatively set for a spring 2010 release (Xbox 360 and PS3).
* The update will be released on a disc, and won't be available as DLC (Downloadable Content) — but the game will be priced as an upgrade — not a brand new title.
* As this time, they're thinking of adding about 8 characters to the game. (Rumors currently have this pegged at 10 fighters total).
* Capcom is planning on adding more features to the online modes. Things so people can enjoy playing as a group. (Sounds like lobbies are in).
* There will be tweaks and balance changes, along with more online stuff and new features the developers are adding in.
* Bonus Stages aren't 100% confirmed, but it sounds very likely they'll be making it into Super Street Fighter 4.
* You won't need the original disc to play this update, but fans who have a copy of SF4 will be, "happy to have held on to it," as they'll be receiving something nifty.
* Juri is a Korean Tae Kwan Do fighter and is very important to the storyline.
* They skipped "Champion Edition" and "Turbo" and jumped straight to "Super" for the name of this upgrade because of the scale and size of what they're planning.

Those characters are apparantly meant to be (but it's not confirmed): Dee Jay, T. Hawk, Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto, Adon, Cody, Guy, Juri and Hakan. We definitely know that two of them are Juri and T. Hawk, and maybe Dee Jay.

Cavallino said:
Perhaps his Sonic Hurricane or Crossfire assault may make it to this edition :p?
According to rumours he's getting Sonic Hurricane from MvC2 :)
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