New street fighter teaser site

What do they class as an upgrade price?I'd say that should be £20 but I have a feeling it'll be £30.

They class it as "people will forget what we promised by Spring 2010 and we will just release it at full price". :D

I do not recall any previous SF "upgrade" game being released cheaply as an upgrade, this will be no different imo.

Akuma too weak??? :confused:

Sagat isn't really too powerful either, too powerful would be that he has a ridiculous advantage over everybody else.

Only in terms of the damage they take when hit, but Akuma's fireball range makes up for it I suppose. As far as Sagat being too powerful, I guess that's a mute point aswel because you hardly ever see a Sagat win a top level tourny. My comments only really apply to us playing at the lower levels where an 'average' Sagat can destroy an average... anyone else. :p

Where is ojste complaining about Ken's ultra :D hopefully they will give Ken something abit more useful this time!
Sort out Kens Ultra - especially when you knock someone out of the sky - OMFG why doesnt that connect...

Also with Sagat perhaps a slightly (and I mean 10%) lower health meter might help? Its ridicouous how litlle damage he takes, especially when he can give out so much...

Love if they removed shortcuts too - fed up of doing dps when I mean to throw a fb...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Sort out Kens Ultra - especially when you knock someone out of the sky - OMFG why doesnt that connect...

Also with Sagat perhaps a slightly (and I mean 10%) lower health meter might help? Its ridicouous how litlle damage he takes, especially when he can give out so much...

Love if they removed shortcuts too - fed up of doing dps when I mean to throw a fb...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Sagat has 1100 health, same as the likes of Balrog, Honda, Abel and some others, not really a big deal.

He's not broken, I doubt they will bother changing him, like e36 said, Sagat isn't raping tournaments or anything.

where an 'average' Sagat can destroy an average... anyone else. :p

You gotta split it up more than that.

An average Sagat online is far, far harder than an average Sagat offline. ;)

Then again most uppercut characters are harder to fight online as you can mess up combos due to latency and eat an uppercut.

Plus if they are ready for it they can fadc and get an ultra from spamming, it's infuriating. :o
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According to Gamespot, they haven't finalised the characters and may add additional "classic" characters + new ones if fan reaction is big.

I have no problem with Sagat.. it's the priority of Zangief's lariet or Balrog's headbutt that needs sorting out.
I'm wanting Gief changes, mostly his stupidly overpowered jumping headbutt (120 damage, 600 points of stun damage) and lariet which has just stupid priority. Headbutt mostly really, just seems insane to give someone like Zangief, who has devastating throws, a move that can stun a player in two hits. Would also like to see a different Ken Ultra or making his current more useful and maybe extended priority after an ex tatsu, and a shinku hadouken for Sakura from MvC2 for anti-air as her AA options are pretty much just cr.hp.

10 more playable characters is a LOT, on top of the 25 that we have already. Won't be an easy task to balance them all. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for an update, tweaks, additions etc, just concerned that 35 playable characters would ruin it.

Never been a fan of Adon either, nor the Final Fight guys. I love final fight, but the idea of Cody kicking Ryu's arse is just plain silly!

Despite all the things on peoples wish lists, the fact is, this is a game that's hard to improve and easy to ruin. Fingers crossed.

EDIT: Good to see Ibuki and Makoto possibles though :)
Chris [BEANS];14989327 said:
Despite all the things on peoples wish lists, the fact is, this is a game that's hard to improve and easy to ruin. Fingers crossed.

Very true, let's hope they don't knacker it :)
tbh its a fun game more characters is a win, but i only like playing as the guy that looks like leonidas with mr T's haircut so i can do the crummy dance when i win.
Good find Chris [Beans].

I felt T.Hawk fitted in but I am not so sure about Juri. Hearing T.Hawk's theme in the background, I wonder of the other characters will have their SF2 themes brought back.
Downloading the video, cheers Chris :D Only character I'm looking forward to was Juri, so hoping they haven't ruined it.
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