New stuff coming next week!

Gosh wish those external DVD drives were USB powered, would be full of win. They look great. Very tempted.
As others have said above those external dvd writers are great, it just a shame they are not usb powered or I would be ordering one right now for my netbook.

Those new coolermaster cases are nice too.
Very nice them Drives, I use a slim bluray slot loaded in the same way.
So useful as how often do you need to use a drive these days.
Shame they dont have a usb power instead of Mains.
Steelseries make really attractive mice, what are they like to use?

Amazing, I use a XAI for gaming and for work.

Amen to that. I love my XAI, but those Kinzu mice are also exceptionally good for the money. All Steelseries products are of the highest quality.

I love Steelseries, I have the 6G Keyboard and they really like to make good quality products. :D

I also have the same keyboard. It is great! :D

Liking the look of the CM Elite 431 case looks really nice and of course the slot loading DVD drives and pretty damn cheap too. Might have to get me one of those :)

Amazing value on those external dvd drives. Thats more like it... now do a comparable deal on blueray and we can talk!

<edit> I'm not supposing you offer a blueray for the same money but an external for the same price as an internal then wahey!
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