New summer leathers

12 Sep 2012
East Sussex
any suggestions i have had berik 2 piece for the last 7 years but they finaly have had their day, zips, stitching. I hate RST with a passion so i will not touch them.

so any recommendations?
I had frank thomas / hein gerik < not sure on the spelling for winter some years back i wasn't overly impressed with them. but maybe thigns have moved on since 2007?
My FTs have been great, both Summer and Winter sets.

I'd not touch Hein Gericke kit if you paid me, though - It really was 50/50 on whether you got a decent bit of kit, or whether it fell to pieces a few weeks in... even on their high-end £400 triple waterproofed kevlar lined stuff.
Keep an eye out at shows, rallies, festivals and so on that are local to bike accessories shops. Many have a stall to flog "last season's" kit, brand new, at insane prices - Both my jackets should have been £180 new, but were sold off for £30 a piece!!
Keep an eye out at shows, rallies, festivals and so on that are local to bike accessories shops. Many have a stall to flog "last season's" kit, brand new, at insane prices - Both my jackets should have been £180 new, but were sold off for £30 a piece!!

bargin! the only event i go to is the ace to brighten run and hastings may day both have well passed but i guess i could wait till jan sales
Look at Dainese kit. I can't praise it highly enough.

Sold my size Euro 50 Dainese 'K' 1 piece recently as it appeared to have shrunk. :p

Bought another Dainese 'K' 2 piece immediately afterwards on the Bay, this time 54 trousers and a 56 jacket. Think I snapped a bargain up as I blagged them for £70 :eek: They were the guys spare suit and he said he had worn them a handful of times. They are like new as far as I can tell.

I've also recently bought a Dainese Superspeed Tex jacket which is quite possibly the best looking and feeling jacket I've clapped eyes on. I know Dainese kit isn't made in Italy anymore but I've always found it to be top quality stuff. Just be aware if you are buying from a distance - online or eBay etc - that fit is important and can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. It can also vary depending on whether you go 1 piece or 2 piece. You could be really sneaky like I did and visit your local Dainese dealer, try on a few different suit combos and leave without buying. Then you have an idea of sizing and can order online with confidence! :D
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