New supreme comander video

Awesome vid. I thought the screen shots looked good, but they were nothing on the vid.

I few things he mentioned:

- Dual Screen Support.
- Multiple types of nukes.
- Simulated timing/trajectory of missiles
- 8 player support
- Aiming for allowing up to 500 units per player.
- Base Commander: AI to manage your base.
- Ability to zoom out to see the whole map.
- One unit can fire nukes from a cannon!

I can't wait!
Not sure if I heard right but I think he said the AI will be simulated and not scripted best way I can explain it really. Meaning that you will never see the AI do anything the same twice and that there will always be some kind of small difference.
kalanium said:
Not sure if I heard right but I think he said the AI will be simulated and not scripted best way I can explain it really.

People have been bandying (sp?) the phrase, 'emergant behavior' around quite a lot. Should be very exciting, though I've no idea at all how the AI would actually function on skirmish maps and such. :rolleyes:

Nuke cannon thingy... (twitches quietly) :D
smoove said:
WHOAR! Does he mean Jan/Feb 2007? I think you'll need 2gb RAM to make the most of this.
Hmm... I doubt it because they'd be shooting themselves in the foot and TA ran fine with 4000 units with 512MB of RAM.

My money is on 1GB.
kalanium said:
1280x1024 is hardly huge anymore, called it low since 1600x1200 and up is what I class as high now.

I wouldnt call it low resolution though. There's probably only about 10% of gamers can run any higher than that, due to most people having 17-19" monitors.

Woooo supreme commander :D
badgermonkey said:
I wouldnt call it low resolution though. There's probably only about 10% of gamers can run any higher than that, due to most people having 17-19" monitors.

Woooo supreme commander :D

anyway, most 17'' TFTs work at around 12xx x 1xxx or so.
kalanium said:
That reminds me anyone think nukes will effect air units? In most of RTS they dont seem to.

It seems that everything will be effected in a true manner in this game so I would've thought aircraft will be taken down by nukes.
ooo ooo i want to join in

*strokes* 1920 x 1440.......*slaps the 60hz it runs at in that res*

but i can stroke the 1920 x 1200 at 85hz
By time its out there will be newer more powerful cards out and todays powerful cards will be half the price they are now. Even X1900Xt's are going for close to £200 atm.
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