new system build need help

29 Dec 2014
Hi guys
its time for an upgrade for me.

I have a pretty good budget of £1900

I would like a skylake system
I5 6600K
and for some reason i have really taken a shine to the Gigabyte 980Ti G1 Gaming card
would like M.2 ssd for windows to go on.
as for the rest i really cant decide what to get.
its been a few years since my last build so i am a tad rusty and a lot has changed to.
also want to go for water cooled CPU
would like a window in case and maybe a few few prettys not fussed on colors.

so guys get ya thinking caps on , I do want to overclock , BUT have never done it before , so ill just have to learn.
this is a tower only dont need screen , or anything else have an Os

thank in advance for any advise
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My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £1,899.96
(includes shipping: £14.10)

Wondered if two 980Tis would fit in budget and they do if you forgo the M.2 SSD and a few other things. Question is if the i5-6600K is a good choice for 2 x 980Tis. Is this Skylake i5-K powerful enough not to be a bottleneck at all? I don't know. Or if you even need two such cards in the first place.

Stu's X99 path is probably the best path in the long run. Gibbo has mentioned there will be a crazy deal on X99 next week. Could be worth waiting for.

The plan is as follows:

Next Wednesday This Week ONLY will be Black Friday themed and all products which go on THIS WEEK ONLY next Wednesday will have no further discounts applied to them, so you can buy in confidence. :)

Then around 9am Thursday we shall put 50-60 insane super Black Friday deals live with savings of upto £1000 or 50% discount. Stock will be limited to 10-300pc of each item, first come first served basis. Idea being if you order before 11am you can actually get your super black friday deal by Friday. :)

These deals will remain live until 6pm Monday or when they sell out, which comes sooner.

Then on CYBER Monday we shall launch an incredible X99 bundle that saves you hundreds of pounds from buying the items seperately. :)

We will clean up, SIMPLES! Snooze and ya lose! SIMPLES! :)
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Not knowing anything about the x99 , what makes then so special?
I have a friend that keeps saying get one. I ask him for his help and like me he knows bugger all about them , just says they are the best out at the mo/
X99 gives you a six core CPU (or eight with the 5960X) and you still get HT so = 12 threads.
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