Only problem is you can't control the "breathing" I contacted them directly myself to ask and they said no. Aesthetically I wanted to control the pulsing to make it look like my PC was breathing but I can't get 4 sticks working the same strobe effect. Looks mismashed now :/
Only problem is you can't control the "breathing" I contacted them directly myself to ask and they said no. Aesthetically I wanted to control the pulsing to make it look like my PC was breathing but I can't get 4 sticks working the same strobe effect. Looks mismashed now :/

I don't care about breathing. If there blitz white DDR4 put them up on the MM
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Does anyone know how tall these Delta stuff is? I am limited to 42mm and have no idea if this will fit or not. Official specs don't seem to list dimensions.
I've recently been beating my addiction of going over the top with LEDs but things like this make it hard. Damn you and your pretty LEDs!
Thumbs up for Teamgroup, their ram is the b******'s

Massively tweakable, the two sets I have overclock like crazy out of the packet without voltage adjustment.

If I had a DDR4 mobo I would buy this without hesitation. Aside from looking ok I've never seen the attraction of the overpriced Corsair stuff.
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