One theme that seems to be very common is that no matter what bike I may buy, to keep it locked up for the winter? Corrosion during this time will de-value any bike and possible ruin it, racking up a sizeable bill ?
Complete rubbish & I should know as I had a 125 Chinese chopper with more chrome on it than anything else for 13 months.
I use FS365 & build up a good coat of it on the bike & keep using it throughout the year.
My F650 gets the same treatment now & it's a 96 & gets used in all weathers. The beauty of FS365 is you can apply it when the bike is wet or dry, The water in it evaporates leaving a silicone coating to protect the chrome/metal etc.
The only thing I'd say is start with a decent well looked after bike not something where the rust has already set in.