New Trailer for Resident Evil 5

I know, I never believed the day would come when I would eagerly awaiting a resident evil light gun style type of game :p
Kreeeee said:
Well this certainly spanks the pants off Halo3 in the anticipation factor :)
Surprised it didn't anyway, especially with how good Resident Evil 4 was.

As good as Resident Evil 4 was it does feel it was released too early, this despite it's numerous awards.. I'm sure I'm gonna come off sounding like an idiot, but Resident Evil 5 won't feel revolutionary like RE4 (which truly was) purely because we have used that control method now (the one employed in RE5), so I'd have liked to experience that for the first time now.

Resident Evil 5 has to go some way to beat Resident Evil 4, but with the potential of the graphics it could be one of the greatest games of all time. I am worried however that because Resident Evil 4 was so good, that RE5 won't feel as special.
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