New Trainers

These don't look to bad, but again a bit "out there" and look like they could be as canoey as my current ones. Anyone got any feedback on them? Also they are friggin expensive (£45). My last couple of shoes alone didnt cost that much :eek:


They're nice. Reminds me of my puma suede oversprays. Where from?
I'm paranoid that my feet are huge, when I tried them on I thought they just looked massive and the blueness of them felt like a homing beacon.

The mexicos were £65, I could have got them cheaper online but I've learnt my lesson about buying stuff online without trying them on.

I doubt you will get them much cheaper than that
Do you have a link for the first pair? Would make some very nice winter trainers!

Sadly they were autumn/winter '08 (only just started wearing them, though) so would be rather hard to find now.

These are new season, these they repeat and mildly alter every season, and these often appear too (last season's black ones had hair type stuff on them!). If I don't own both the first two very soon (my current white ones are battered) I'll be most upset.
For the first time in a very long time, I'm baffled at what trainers to get :p

I desperately need a new pair for when I'm on the bike. My current Adidas Morka's I use are too thin and narrow on the sole.

I've been trawling the usual places to find decent replacements that will comfort my feet. Mostly been looking at skate flavours. So far Adidas Ciero's in black have only been the option. I doubt that will take well to water / rain / mud though.
Am I the only one who thinks that the latest trainers aren't really that good?

Some of the new season Adidas and Nikes are disappointing, especially the Nike Dunks :(
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