New Trainers

Bagged a pair of these late last summer genuine on the fleabay and truth be said they are the sweetest and most comfy trainer shoes I've ever owned. I love em. I'd never heard of Timberland Oztags before either.[IMG][/QUOTE]

my eyes.. are bleeding :)

Will do me until I can grab some Nike high tops!

Reckon fat laces would suit them?

I like these, what are they?

Got some of these for £24.50 yesterday :D

Aye, as Bennah said- Size? have them as do JD sports.

Im off into Liverpool later to have a scoot around shops like Microzine, Ran and the Adidas Originals store to see what else is about. It's looking likely I may well bring a pair home today :D

You must post them up but I think you realise this anyway :)
Depends if I get any- only got the Marathon 80s on my radar at the min and haven't seen them in the flesh. They may look rubbish up close. Might do a pic of my full collection at some point when I can be bothered but its only about ten pairs (if that...) so small fry in comparison to some people on here.
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