New Trainers

thinking about grabbing these over weekend unless anyone can recommend a better colour combo

Nice heads up mrk, good price for that. The missus still hasn't forgiven me for spending 35 sheets on a limited edition trainer book that is, in her words, 'just pictures of shoes'!
I saw that book a while back but it was going for a lot more than that!

And you still haven't sent me that book YSMN !
I am an old school man looking for air padded comfort in a pair of conservative looking brown trainers that would accommodate slightly wider, heavier foot. I found these (Lakai Koston):


and I like the look of them and spec (air padded heal and all that). They cost around $50-60 in US. But the manufacturer is completely unknown to me and the only shop I found stocking them in UK is asking for eye watering amount of money. I suppose the first question is - Lakai - any good shoe maker? Secondly - with all the shoe shops being in flash and regularly omitted in google searches - has anybody seen them around for price closer to normal (read US) price?
I saw that book a while back but it was going for a lot more than that!

And you still haven't sent me that book YSMN !

It has pride of place on my bookshelf so it's going nowhere mate. It's being re-issued via Size? shops though, was supposed to be out in March:

Actually, I think the one you mean was:

The Liverpool Boys Are Back In Town which is like 8 quid from all good bookstores :D

Im off to the premiere of awaydays next week should be plenty of good trainer fappage in that!
Nice gimp, how much were they?

58 but they are back up to 70 everywhere now.

It has pride of place on my bookshelf so it's going nowhere mate. It's being re-issued via Size? shops though, was supposed to be out in March:

Actually, I think the one you mean was:

The Liverpool Boys Are Back In Town which is like 8 quid from all good bookstores :D

Im off to the premiere of awaydays next week should be plenty of good trainer fappage in that!

Will look into sourcing it another way then :p

Nice one blagging the awaydays tickets, looks alreet that

Trib Trabbs for the win !
Just made another purchase


Counting these I've now got 4 regular different pairs of shoes on the go now :p
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