New watercooling rig, instead of peltier

6 Feb 2004
this was the original thread the other week:

Well i didnt have that sort of cash to throw around for a Peltier system, although i would have loved it. due to decorating the spare room... nice wood laminent floor, I didnt have the cash.
Any way here are the results. The kit:

Chieftec case full tower
PA120.3 inc 3x Panaflo 120 fans (these make a racket so only got 2 on atm)
Storm G4 block (had this for about 6 months now)
12v DCC pump
nv6800 danger den block
clear dual floppy res (was going to try the 5 1/4" but was out of stock)
3/8 tubing
Cooling an Opteron 146 @ 2.85Ghz

Day 1

I had to mount the Rad some where, Surly wasnt going in to the Case, Although the case is a monster. So I mounted it to the 80mm hard drive fans grill on the motherboard side, Using a 80m to 120m converter. (cunning i thought)

This was me trying to get the tubing right, I decided to go outside the case. Sort of Hybrid.. half in half out.

Day 2

Got the tubing all sorted, Im please with the result, however im still thinking of a peltier system, Might just go the full whack and get a phase change in the next couple of months.

- I do relise that leak testing in the case isnt ideal. As there was a pudle on the 6800gt but anyhow...

Day 3

Desk all built after decorating etc. time to overclock and see if the tmps are any better than that dual heater core i had. I kind of like the effect that the clear res has on top of the case.

Any way, you like or dislike?
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Couple of things for you...

1) mod your DDC for top inlet or use the alphacool plexi-top and use the top barb as inlet for a (marked) performance increase.

2) get yourself some yate loon d12sl-12 fans from fleebay, 3 will cool as well as those 2 panaflos and make less noise. nexus are oem rewound yates but are a) overpriced (cheaper to get a single yate shipped from the us) and b) slower, which would be nice except yates scale wonderfully on low volts both on analog and pwm.

Ive got them running with an m-Cubed T-Balancer slaved to a thin analog probe thats sticking into one of the tubes - fans currently running @ 22% with the water @ 26c :)

3) think about upgrading to 1/2 :)
Thanks, I will take you advice, however i dont agree with point 3, in reality it makes no difference wahat so ever.

I have tried both, I prefer 3/8 ID tubing.

Thanks a lot the for advice about the DCC. :)

edit - Any information floating about for the DCC mod? And doing it, is it going to reduce temps noticably?

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I also think that u should maybe upgrade to the larger tubing and a 1250, but that aside nice work man.

Like i dunno if its different these days with all the new blocks but i've always been told that 1/2 is better, the whole point of changing my innovatek system for a maze 4 setup was so i could benifit from a 1/2 system.

So it really makes no difference?
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While I kinda agree that declaring Eheim "dead" is somewhat unfair, the review referenced above is over two years old and does not include the DDC-12v or the D5 or the AquaXtreme or the Iwakis.

I've just bought on auction a Swiftech kit which includes the DDC12v (MCP350) and I will be fascinated to see how it performs at stock.

Look at the free flow and low-restriction system flowrates. The MCP350 is only slightly behind the 1250 (94GPH vs 119GPH) yet its free-flow rates (108GPH vs 277GPH) suggest the 1250 should be miles ahead. With its small size and 12v power, it's much easier to use.

I'll shortly be replacing a heatercore/1250/LRWW with an MCP350/6000/MCR120-F. I'll be fascinated to see if this can compete on performance and quietness. One thing I'm certain of which is that it will be a lot easier to fit in my shiny new Antec :)
I used to own the 1250, what a monster! so ive decided for the little DDC12v (MCP350) - Much easier to use mount etc...

Lol about the leather chair.... I dont think about the feel of my bum, i just want nice looking screens... ok ive got to get up now. Its hurting.
MikeTimbers said:
While I kinda agree that declaring Eheim "dead" is somewhat unfair,
Its still working well as a pump, the maze 4 gpu is still one of the best coolers too, since the new card specific coolers are very flow restrictive.

Its like I have an xp-120 to cool my opteron I now learn that the tuniq tower and Titan "vanessa" are better but is the price worth the increase in performance?

I just spent £85 on watercooling even though "all I need is a radiator to get water cooled".
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