New wow patch

The Rogue talent setup is completely retarded, to get one of the new / changed abilities you have to gimp yourself in another area.

However a US Rogue poster has stated them talents are not final.
More proposed changes:

# Vanish will now remove effects that allow an opponent to remain aware of the rogues presence, such as Mind Vision and Hunters Mark.

# Expose Armor will now reduce armor by a percentage.

#Eviscerate is being improved by a new book, allowing a new rank and a general base-damage increase.

#Garotte is receiving a damage boost. While final numbers are still unavailable, we are shooting for an approximate 50% damage increase.
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LukeManUK said:
However a US Rogue poster has stated them talents are not final.

Seems you are right. Blizzard have released a second set of information regarding the review:

# Remorseless Attacks has been reduced to 2 ranks, with the new effectiveness being 20% and 40%.
# Murder has been changed to increase damage caused against Humanoid, Giant, Beast, and Dragonkin by 1%/2%.
# Endurance has been changed to reduce the cooldown of your Sprint and Evasion abilities by 45 sec/1.5 min. It no longer increases the duration of Evasion.
# Mace Specialization will now also add 1-5 weapon skill with Maces in addition to the stun effect the talent already provides.
# Weapon Expertise will now increases your skill with Fist, Dagger, and Sword weapons. It no longer affects Maces.
# Adrenaline Rush now has a reduced cooldown of 5 min.
# Elusiveness has been reduced to a 2 point talent and now reduces the cooldown of Vanish and Blind by 45 sec/1.5 min. It no longer reduces the cooldown for Evasion.
# Opportunity is being moved to a tier 1 talent, swapping places with Camouflage.
# Ghostly Strike has been reverted back to the previous 125% weapon damage, but retains its new Energy cost of 40.
# Setup will now also provide combo points if you fully resist an attacker’s spell.
# Improved Rupture, Improved Cheap Shot, and Improved Garrote have been removed.
# New talent ‘Serrated Blades’ is a tier 4 talent in the Subtlety tree, causes your attacks to ignore X of your target’s Armor, and increases the damage dealt by your Rupture ability. The amount of Armor reduced increases with your level. At level 60, the ranks will reduce target Armor by 100/200/300 respectively.
# New talent ‘Dirty Deeds’ replaces the Improved Cheap Shot talent. The new talent reduces the Energy cost of both your Cheap Shot and Garrote abilities by 10/20.
# Garrote, Eviscerate, and Rupture now all scale with Attack Power. An additional book of Eviscerate will still be made available in an undisclosed location.

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