New Yamaha R1

16 Jul 2011
Cumbria, Ambleside
It's getting close to pick up time

I've been buying like crazy in the past month so next week im gonna have a day messing about.

Here's what i've bought so far..
ASV Levers
R&G Tail Tidy
R&G lower crash bung
Yamaha Upper crash bungs
GB racing engine covers all round
Yamaha Double bubble screen
Abba Superbike stand
Gopro hero 3 black
Total cost upto now is about £1,200
Bike was £12,330 otr
Skint now
Cheap iphone pic

Will post better pics when all pimped out.

Insurance went from £150 for the R6 too £660! jeez.
Then not going to do owt else until run in, then maybe power commander, quickshifter etc..But i'll see how the fueling is before hand.
Saw one of these in all white the other day, Looked and sounded epic.

Was gonna get the white one, but the blue is really nice up close.

Wanted the 50th anniversiary edition but a grand more expensive:eek:

the baffles are coming straight out of the akrapovics asap, I just wanna hear it on full chat for a day!
OP... that. Is. Incredible :eek: You jammy jammy bugger :D

Saw that 'racing blu' scheme in Fowlers recently, looked nice, but I spent most of the time trying to work out if the R1 was still a lard arse or not :p

Would love another R1, either the 07-08, or might consider an earlier Crossplane one...

Have fun, if you've not picked it up already, crossing my fingers for decent weather for you :)
Just got back from picking it up.

Slippy seat being new? also I wore new winter gloves so I didn't have any feel at the controls.

HUGE difference compared to my R6, Still can't get over the grunt it's immense.

What really makes me giggle though is the dealer removed the baffles for me and that sound is epic, so loud :)

It did chuck it down half way home, bit tense due to lack of grip/new tyres etc...
Smoother than what I thought it would be and 1st gear is very long?

Quick wash to remove the road salt stuck to it, OCD is kicking off now.

Will get pics when I get a dry day.
Great bikes, personally love blue R1's, and that's a lovely example you got there! :)

Had a blue 2000 model myself, worse thing I did was get rid!

If it's a new one do yourself a favour and junk those stock Dunlops! Mate had two R1's both white crossplane. Sadly nearly died in a head on with a Skoda on the first one. Several months later he picked a brand new one up and lost the back end coming off a roundabout. It slid backwards into the central kerb, dented the chassis, insurance write off! (I was following him when he did it, GoPro'd too..) It had only done 200ish miles :o

In spite of that little story, enjoy! :D

Edit - With regards to the long first gear, known mod for these is changing front sprocket, drop by 1 tooth. Make it so much better pulling away in traffic etc, only prob is then you need a speedo healer. Modding never ends!
They run on Michelin pilot power 2CT's now instead of dunlops - I would have dropped the dunlops straight away anyways as I've heard loads of horror stories about them!
It did chuck it down half way home, bit tense due to lack of grip/new tyres etc...
Smoother than what I thought it would be and 1st gear is very long?

1st felt like it went on forever with my 08 R1 - on a private road it registered 120 mph on thebclock before I went into second.... I just had to find out :D But I lopped 40 mph off by losing a tooth off the front, totally transformed the bike and the best mod I made, cheapish too (added a speedo healer).

Stay safe, they are seriously scarey, I don't care how wet that sounds - I learnt to respect mine quickly..... And try not to get corrupted; just because you can do 180+, doesn't mean you should ;)
Stay safe, they are seriously scarey, I don't care how wet that sounds - I learnt to respect mine quickly..... And try not to get corrupted; just because you can do 180+, doesn't mean you should ;)

Yeah I fully respect it already, feels like a beast & feels like a big step up from my old R6.

Baby steps for me again, i'm not going to rush it, just want some dry warm weather so I can find my feet on it!
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