New York 5 days - Feb

We totally stole this thread :p

I'm semi livid. My phone case has a detachable card holder and for a lot of my pics it's snuck into the bottom of the frame. Ill edit a load and post a few when I'm back in sweden
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Oh I'm totally done.... 10 days is way too much
The wife is done too.
Our last day is gonna just be 5h in central park wandering, up the freedom tower and find some food. Maybe even order to the hotel room.

It's London X10 0
Oh I'm totally done.... 10 days is way too much
The wife is done too.
Our last day is gonna just be 5h in central park wandering, up the freedom tower and find some food. Maybe even order to the hotel room.

It's London X10 0
If the weather is nice hire some cycle's? Done that before, for a nice pootle around CP. Assume you went to Natural History Museum already, or Intrepid?
Oh I'm totally done.... 10 days is way too much
The wife is done too.
Our last day is gonna just be 5h in central park wandering, up the freedom tower and find some food. Maybe even order to the hotel room.

It's London X10 0

We did 10 days and wished we had more. Still had a few things we wanted to do.
We'll be back there soon!
We haven't seen everything obviously but we took a day trip to Washington that ended up being way more time and effort than it should have been and that sucked out an extra day and knock on effects.

Plus we are in NJ and that's adding about an hour to day commute which on the long run sucks
Was that a cost saving exercise or just fancied staying there?
Both explain later

Wife got stuck on the idea of looking at Manhattan skyline every morning at breakfast. There is a 5 min 1 stop train to wtc.
So I said sure whatever then we got an offer on it for 200 a night instead of 350 and that was that.

It's ok meant to be 4 står/3 star tbh its pretty good.

You gotta remember how crap the SEK to $ rate is too lol everything here is even dumber in price for us poor idiots


Tbh it's a nice view gets old fast :p
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Both explain later

Wife got stuck on the idea of looking at Manhattan skyline every morning at breakfast. There is a 5 min 1 stop train to wtc.
So I said sure whatever then we got an offer on it for 200 a night instead of 350 and that was that.

It's ok meant to be 4 står/3 star tbh its pretty good.

You gotta remember how crap the SEK to $ rate is too lol everything here is even dumber in price for us poor idiots


Tbh it's a nice view gets old fast :p
Tbf that is Karl Pilkington levels of genius
Central park got a lot better away from the main idiot patches. :p

So glad didn't get a bike half the walk/path we following is no traffic.

The squirrels here are real pussies compared to the 9/11 squirrels
Wife got stuck on the idea of looking at Manhattan skyline every morning at breakfast. There is a 5 min 1 stop train to wtc.
So I said sure whatever then we got an offer on it for 200 a night instead of 350 and that was that.

I think if I were there for 10 days I'd want to do a minimum of two hotels, maybe three at a push. Yes it is a bit of hassle (especially the three option) but IMO gives you a bit more variation of the destination. Does look like a nice view though, I enjoy staying somewhere with a view of CP usually end up around the 58th/59th Street vicinity.

Hope you enjoy your last day, and you don't suffer too much misery. Just remember to check your flight inbound is on time, so if it is not you are well aware of the extra wait/delay and you don't end up with it sprung upon you. :)
Weekends suck too for subway and path always repairs going on. I think we just got unlucky too, having 2 weekends in 10 days .

Major bad result using airalo too, no connection at all on subway and for some reason, incredibly slow to sync Google maps, even with 100% 5g signal regularly waiting 5 mins to work....
Pretty frustrating.
So many little fails on this trip making it a touch more stressful than it needed to be.

You live and learn.
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